Most Loathsome People of 2002

My additions would include, but not be limited to:

Dr. James Dobson- This bag of filth pees on the Freedom of Speech guarantees far more than Larry Flynt ever did. One recent example is his book “Bringing Up Boys”, in which he asserts that the average male homosexual has 1000s of sexual partners in his lifetime, cites studies that prove just how likely gay men are to commit abominations from pedophilia to suicide, and quotes a prominent gay publication’s manifesto that begins “We want to start by sodomizing your children”. What he doesn’t mention is that the studies were conducted by religious right institutes that used unreliable and biased data, would not reveal their methodology or population samples, and whose results were not reproduced by any of the many similar studies conducted by academic and government agencies; while he quoted almost all of the “manifesto”, he neglected to quote the first line, which made clear that this was a parody of what paranoid religious righters seemed to think gays wanted them to say.
Aesthetic: Nazi philosopher Alfred Rosenberg crossed with Mr. Rogers.

The Producers and Cast of the Anna Nicole Show: if ever any endeavor begged for an armed intervention orchestrated by Janet Reno it’s this show. Anna Nicole and her lawyer Howard Stern (who would have ever thought there’d be a minor celebrity referred to as “Howard Stern- but not the classy one”?) are every misogynistic and anti-Semitic stereotype incarnated. When offering substance abusing she-mongoloid ex-call-girls air-hump in order to get a 2 minute extension on the Warholian 15 seems a good programming strategy, you wonder what series ideas they passed on: I’m guessing it involved making orangutans dance by means of well placed electrodes or perhaps has-been teen idols performing surgery.
Aesthete: Marilyn Monroe after a 4 year blintze orgy and a horribly botched lobotomy for Anna Nicole; Jeff Probst minus a soul or the slightest semblance of shame for Stern; the Lords of Hell for the producers of the series. (If I were President for Life I’d be willing to allow Kim to live the rest of her life on one of my re-education centers in the Ozarks, I’d give the son a full pardon and see him adopted into a sane family like the Osbournes, and the dog would be sent to a shelter where it might find a normal family, but I’m afraid A-N, Stern, and the producers have to at very least get the Elizabeth Bathory suite in a top secret dungeon.

Ah, and let’s not forget U of AL’s Coach Franchione. While I have no problem with anybody accepting a more lucrative job offer, the way he did it was just vile and all that’s bad about college football and capitalism.

Justice Roy Moore of AL (Chief Mullah of the T’Alabama) for his reapportionment of state budgets to disallow jury trials , his 10 Commandment posturing, and his 20 page Leviticus spouting rant on the evils of lesbianism in a case where the dismissal had no bearing.

Lisa “Let’s Roll” Beamer for the worst “I’m a grieving widow, not a publicity ho opportunist” widow act since, strangely enough, Anna Nicole Smith.

John Ashcroft for his use of 8,000 public dollars to hide the boobies of Lady Justice.

Robert Blake- for not having the common sense to move to Texas before shooting Bonnie Lee Bakley Blake. Anybody’s who’s read even a two paragraph biography of the woman knows that Blake would have been exonerated by a jury in 10 minutes under the "She Needed Killin’ " laws in Texas.

And finally the Newdow Chair in Self Serving Media Whoring:

Dr. Michael Newdow of CA for bringing his Pledge of Allegiance “under God” lawsuit knowing fully well the abuse it was going to cause his young daughter.

Dr. Michael Newdow’s daughter’s mother for asserting her devout Christianity and moral offense at her ex’s actions, a conservative devotion rather odd for a woman who’d lived with two consecutive men out of wedlock and borne illegitimate children.

The entire U.S. Senate for rarely participating in or observing the Pledge before the verdict but for unanimously using the self-serving-by-Newdow-but-nevertheless-perfectly-valid legal decision to remove “under God” as a pandering, posturing photo op on the capital steps for the masses of asses that constitute their constituencies.

Robin Williams? What were they thinking?!

TREY ANASTASIO?!?!? That’s the last straw, man.

Having taken a look, I’m inclined to pick the guy who wrote the list. What a bitter, bilious bastard.

Look at the people who he had to choose from in the sports world, guys like George Steinbrenner and John Rocker. And who does he opt for? Tiger Woods, probably the single nicest guy in professional sports, apparently for no other reason than he won’t identify with a specific racial group. Give me a break.

From the world of performing arts, he sidesteps Michael Jackson and Winona Ryder, then goes out of his way to pick on poor Robin Williams. What did Williams ever do to him?

I could have picked 50 more loathsome people at random just opening the phone book.

OOh, Winona Ryder, good call. I can’t decide to pity her because she’s so obviously MI or hold her in contempt because she so obviously thinks she’s above the law.

From showbiz I’d ad Alec Baldwin (winner of the ‘Barbara “Babs” Streisand Just Shut the Hell Up and Do Your Act Because Nobody Greatly Cares What You Think’ Award for so many occasions) and Bill Maher. The latter’s constant crowing of “I’m a victim of censorship!” seemed about as genuine as the “I’m being oppressed!” line from HOLY GRAIL, especially since he was being paid a 7 figure salary and allowed to say it by the same evil network he was bashing. No, son, Father Titus Brandsma (resistance priest silenced by the Nazis and later killed at Dachau), Alexander Solzhynietzin (sp?) prior to refugeeing, and Christian missionaries in Islamicist societies have been “censored”; you’ve just been told that you’ll no longer receive millions of dollars to discuss global warming, gay marriage, and Cuba with Scott Baio, Ann Coulter, Lauren Tewes, and Lenny from SHA-NA-NA anymore. (Hey, I guess I’m being censored too!)

My ex-husband.

The jerkoff nurse Kathy who sicced the Indiana Board of health on us, because the Alzheimer’s unit moved upstairs, and had windows that can open as much as five inches side-by-side.

The list is a complete joke, a random selection of celebrities the author doesn’t like.

Any list of “loathsome people” that includes Robin Williams but does not include a Catholic Cardinal who conspired to organize and hide from the authorities a child rape ring is a pretty badly thought out list.

A second for Jennifer Lopez. Actually, the entity called “J-Lo” could be nominated three times:

  1. The “actress”
  2. The “singer”
  3. The relentless media whore

None are the least bit compelling, yet for some reason they seem to be unavoidable.

I’ll second that. I was reading the list thinking, “Does this guy like anything?”