Movies and TV shows named for a non-lead character

Killing Bono

Vaguely based on the story of Ivan McCormick who, in high school, was a member of the band that became U2.

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. Roger dies early on.

The Woman in White. The woman appears sporadically, but is not the lead character.

My husband compared this to the new “Glass Onion - a Knives Out Mystery” when it’s really a Benoit Blanc mystery.

And of course there were all the Pink Panther movies featuring Inspector Clouseau - the Pink Panther was a diamond, stolen in the first movie.

Bend it Like Beckham

The Death of Stalin

Abigail’s Party - Mike Leigh play and a british tv classic


I have mentioned this show previously but it evolves to fit the OP.

Scottish TV had a police show that started in 1983 called Taggart based around police officer Jim Taggart. The actor portraying Taggart, Mark McManus, died in 1994 and the decision was made to have the character die as well.

However the show itself continued until 2010 still called Taggart but now with no one of that name in it. The dramatic focus simply switching to other members of what had been Taggart’s team. Those team members themselves regularly changing over the years.


Come Back to the 5 & Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean


Where’s Poppa?

When You Comin’ Back, Red Ryder?

never mind

Ding ding ding. Winner !

Another example of a show that lost the character it was originally named after: Valerie’s Family.

I know we’re looking for movies and TV shows, but if we cheat and include newspaper comic strips, there’s Barney Google and Snuffy Smith.

“Happy Birthday Wanda June”

A bit of a stray but the cartoon (and toy property) Inhumanoids is titled after the group of antagonists. The Inhumanoids aren’t the lead characters really but one or more of them are featured in each episode.


I wonder if Rosemary’s Baby might fit the criteria.

Rosemary is indeed a lead character, but Rosemary’s baby doesn’t arrive until the last five minutes. I’ve said before that the film should more accurately be titled, Rosemary’s Pregnancy.

I think we’ve had a thread in the past about movies and plays where the named lead barely appears.

Count Dracula, for instance, gets very little “screen time” in Stoker’s novel. The movies and plays give him a bit more, but the real main characters are the vampire hunters.

Similarly, The Hound of the Baskervilles only shows up at the very beginning and the very end of both novel and the film adaptations. I saw a stage adaptation once where my main thought throughout was how the heck they were going to show the creature and make it look scary. It showed up – a stage-sized puppet – for one scene at the end.

There’s a lot of Auric Goldfinger in “Goldfinger,” but he isn’t the lead character, James Bond is.

Roger Rabbit isn’t the main character of “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”

Rachel isn’t the main character of “Rachel Getting Married.”

There are three Heathers in “Heathers” but the main character is Veronica. Veronica is played by Winona Ryder, who was in “Beetlejuice,” and Beetlejuice is not the main character of that movie.