Movies where you agree with the minority of critics (open spoilers)

We just did this. Well, kind of. I had a thread about the lowest Rotten Tomatoes score movie you like.

However, that was only negative in opinion. This one includes the opposite.

Both Avengers movies are only OK. The second one might even be below average.

I hated Anomalisa this year.

Jurassic World is not exactly hugely well received, but I listed it as the worst movie of 2015, at least that I saw.

The OP requirements are rather strict, so I hope I can fudge by 1%. All are critically loved movies that I didn’t like.

I’ve said this before, including in a recent thread, but I didn’t like Unforgiven (RT 95/94, IMDB 8.3). I generally like Westerns. It’s been more than a decade but particularly the English Bob part seemed stupid.

The Hurt Locker (RT 98/84, IMDB 7.6). I didn’t hate it completely, but Jeremy Renner’s character was offputtingly stupid.

Just barely: The World’s End (RT 89/71, so it looks like some fans agree). They forgot along the way to make it funny. I love the other films in the “trilogy.” Actually now that I think of it Hot Fuzz had to grow on me.

Honorable mention, as I recall the reviews were initially very positive but have mellowed out since: the steaming shitpile of Prometheus.

Well, that spares me having to post.

I think the OP’s metrics are ridiculous. For instance, the remake of The Wicker Man is maybe the most universally panned movie of the millennium to date, yet still scores 15% on Rotten Tomatoes and 3.6 stars on IMDB. I was going to post it because I thing it’s SOO bad it’s entertaining for how bad it is, yet according to the OP, it’s not bad enough.

FYI, Plan 9 From Outer Space and Reefer Madness are also too good, by the OP’s constraints.

Only in a ‘turn your brain off and enjoy these: (Paper thin plot. Riddled with cliches.) kinda way.’ Which I’m largely incapable of.

Not exactly within the OP’s parameters, but with so much Star Wars in the air, I just had to mention, as the world’s biggest single The Empire Strikes Back fan, how UNBELIEVABLY TRANSUNIVERSALLY VASTLY DISAPPOINTED I was by ROTJ. I know that many, if not most, fans felt the same way - but for me, it was “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOuuhhhNOOOOOAUGGGHH!!!”, as my lightsaber fell from my useless stump into Bespin’s bowels.

What comes to mind is American Beauty when it came out. It was lauded as introspective and a provocative satire on life in the U.S., Director Sam Mendes, and Kevin Spacey are geniuses, and winning a bunch of Oscars.

I absolutely hated it - smug and wrong and as stupidly “profound” as that video of the bag in the wind featured in the movie.

Over the years, I have seen views on this movie change much more to my POV. Glad to see it happen, but I don’t feel particularly “told you so about it” - it just sucked.

Pepper Mill has a stock saying about this. Whenever we’re watching a film and somebody does something blatantly stupid (“There’s a monster around here somewhere. While all of you are over there, I’m going over here. Where it’s dark.”), we say “Outta the Gene Pool!”

**Pixels **got a 17% on RottenTomatoes and has been the butt of most movie jokes since it came out.

I honestly enjoyed watching it and thought it was funny and dare say clever. The movie makers even seemed to know their stuff about the games represented.

I have no idea what people thought this movie was going to be, and how it failed to meet that expectation. The movie starred Adam Sandler and Kevin James so that should set the bar right there. I found that it actually exceeded my expectations of the Adam Sandler/Kevin James bar.

Also, I am right with the previous posters regarding Brick.

Inside Out. I found it boring and simplistic and it’s made me take Pixar off my “automatic” list.

In Bruges- odd, since I generally enjoy dark comedy. I didn’t like it at all.

Just saw Gone Girl. Didn’t believe the wife character and her motivations at all, and I didn’t buy into the animus that Affleck’s character experienced. Strange, uneven movie, and I usually love Fincher and his style. One of the worst movies I’ve seen.

Titanic…reminds me of ‘Macbeth’ where he says. “Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”…total drivel wrapped into some really cool graphics…

Agreed on Titanic. Also hated Avatar, for similar reasons.

[climbs into fireproof armor] I honestly do not get what’s so great about Citizen Kane. I couldn’t get through more than about 15 minutes of zero plot movement before giving up in utter boredom.

I, Frankenstein was a decent movie.

I don’t have a high opinion of the critics at RT. They seem very hipsterish and mostly concerned with liking movies that cool, cultured people are supposed to like as opposed to rating movies based on whether they are actually good or not. I have never found a critic(s) whose views reliably matched my own. Even netflix, which is supposed to be based on personalized algorithms, constantly tells me a movie I end up rating as 2 stars would get a 5/5 out of me, and it tells me movies I think will be a 1 or 2 I end up rating a 4.

Isn’t Rotten Tomatoes just an aggregator? Saying, “The critics at RT,” is the same as just saying, “the critics.”

Not only that, it’s a conspicuously *Mike Leigh *movie. In general I love him and the performances he gets, but there are parts I cringe at. **Career Girls **was a good example of obnoxious main characters (but as you say, they’re real. It’s just whether you want to watch that in a movie.).

This first that comes to mind is A Touch of Class. It has a Tomatometer rating of 91%. I thought it was one of the worst movies I have ever sat all the way through. I only watched to the bitter end because I wanted to see all the movies that won Oscars in major categories (Glenda Jackson won Best Actress). I gave it a rating of 1/10 on IMDb only because they don’t let you give ratings of zero. They two protagonists are among the most unsympathetic characters I’ve seen on film who were not intended to be villains. It is purported to be a comedy, I am given to understand, but there’s nothing remotely funny about it.

Birth of a Nation is a special case. It is the only other movie I’ve ever given a rating of 1/10 to, out of 700+ ratings on IMDb, and it has a Tomatometer rating of 100%. It’s a nasty piece of work in terms of its story content but it has the redeeming quality of having been innovative and influential in terms of its cinematographic techniques and ambition.

I can’t think of a single movie that I like a lot that 80% of critics disliked.

Avatar was plagiarized hook, line and sinker from Poul Anderson’s novella Call Me Joe (though I bet you - yes, you - already knew that.

What am I misunderstanding here?