Movies with misleading titles

Seven months ago… it’s not really the done thing to resurrect seven month old threads to add the Cafe Society equivalent of “And another thing!”

Chariots of Fire

They could have gone a lot faster if they had actually used horse drawn vehicles.

King Kong
Did he have any sort of royal lineage?

Talking of fire

Man on Fire - sadly lacking in spontaneous human combustion

“The Lady Killers” . No lady was killed

“Krakatoa , East of Java” - It’s actually to the west.

You say that like its a bad thing.

Live Nude Girls- There were girls, and they were alive, but they were not nude. Unforgivable as a Delany sister was in this thing.

Happines. I can’t think of one happy bit in this miserable movie.

A Fish Called Wanda devoted little of its runtime to any fish at all.

Apocalypse Now failed to end the world then or at any other time.

A Clockwork Orange contained no mechanical fruit.

There was a distinct lack of necrophilia for some reason. I suppose his precious will remain a dragon unfought.

I just saw Saw for the first time last night. And while there were saws in it, they weren’t really the main focus, and not even really used much.

(yeah, I figured it’s a shortened version of the villian’s name, but still)


Monkey Business had no monkeys nor businesses

Coconuts had no tropical fruit

Animal Crackers had no animals nor crackers. Well unless you count Groucho.

But **Horse Feathers **had plenty of … never mind.

The Postman Always Rings Twice…I never even saw one person get any mail!

The Long Kiss Goodnight featured very little kissing.