Murdered Celebrities

Victor Jara, a Chilean singer who was murdered by fascists in 1973. Maybe he doesn’t count, since he’s not widely known in this country.

In the world of sports:

Ivan Calderon (baseball – all star outfielder)
Dernell Stenson (baseball – rookie outfielder killed in the off-season)

But, they built this city…

You can create a category in Wikipedia and use it to tag articles related to a common topic. In this case, “murdered entertainers”. Then you tag any relevant article and the software automatically lists the tagged articles alphabetically by title on a single page.

The downside is that you can’t edit the individual article titles. In this case, it was Phillip Bury (aka Buck Naked) and Roger and Larry Troutman (two of the four brothers who were Zapp) who were killed. But there are individual articles for these people so the group articles were tagged.

Incidentally, Roger was shot by his brother Larry, who then shot himself. Phillip Bury was out walking his dog and was shot by a crazy man who was upset because the dog scared away the pigeons he was feeding.

Scott La Rock of Boogie Down Productions was murdered in 1987. BDP released a new album soon thereafter.

A bigger star on Broadway than in movies, but George Rose is believed to have been murdered by his adopted son, though officially the cause of death is “accidental- possible homicide”.

Belushi’s death was ruled a second degree homicide IIRC. Cathy Smith, the trick who gave him the fatal injection, was ruled guilty of contributing to his death in any case.

Little Rascal Jay R. Pinky Smith was murdered in 2002 by a homeless man he befriended. (Smith was 87 at the time.)

Blues legend Robert Johnson may have died from whiskey poisoned by a girlfriend’s husband (not confirmed).

Veteran character actor (and former husband of Elizabeth Montgomery) Gig Young died in a murder suicide with his actress fifth wife shortly after their honeymoon.

Not celebrities in their own right, but Patrick Duffy’s parents were murdered for the few dollars they had in the cash register at their bar while their son was a multimillionaire, making the crime all the more sickening to him. Also not a celebrity in his own right, but Charlize Theron’s father was murdered by her mother (an abused wife) in front of her.

Booth’s killer, Boston Corbett, was a psychotically religious man who had castrated himself to control his lust for prostitutes and very possibly ended his life believing he was JWB.

JonBenét Ramsey (note spelling) was a champion on the child beauty pageant circuit (e.g. America’s Royal Miss, Little Miss Colorado). So, yes she was a celebrity before her murder.

What is especially sad is that so many of those deaths could be prevented, with the proper study of numerology.

There are examples on the webpage of predictions of celebrity deaths.

Damn. I really shouldn’t have forgotten about KRS-ONE’s brother.

Ooooh, how about Arch Duke Franz Ferdidand?

Please. That is quite trivial. Had you heard of her? Can you name another, I want to say exploited or object of a mothers dreams, child beauty pagent star?

Lyman Bostock, who finished second in batting average in the AL in 1977, was shot to death late in the 1978 season.

Oh, and the Columbian soccer player who knocked in an own goal against the U.S. in the 1994(?) World Cup. He may fall in the ‘manner of dying’ category though.

Sorry. I missed that request in the OP.

Consider it withdrawn.

(Internal Monologue: Uh, oh. I’m looking foolish. I need to come up with something!)

Ok, how about Terry Schiavo? She was famous before she died, and a LOT of people on television were screaming how she was MURDERED!


Jaco Pastorius & Jack Nance were both murdered? What happened to each of them?

Some feminist friends of mine insist, insist, insist that Janis Joplin was murdered. I’m doubtful though.

In December 1996, Jack Nance was involved in an altercation with some young men in a donut shop near his house in L.A. He received an internal head injury and was discovered dead in his apartment the next day.

I haven’t seen reggae star Peter Tosh mentioned yet (murdered in his home).

Pastorius died of injuries suffered after an assult by a club bouncer in Florida.

Sampiro- If I recall correctly, Gig Young was the murderer.

Actually, he’s in someone’s list above. I think at least two other Wailers were murdered in addition to Tosh.

Dead Musician Directory covers famous musicians, and many other causes. I wonder if “Farming” counts as a gardening accident?

Is a Wall Street Journal news writer a “celebrity”?