Musicals for people who don't usually like musicals.

If you want a live show: “Wicked”
If you want a movie: “The Wizard of Oz” (which I only recently consciously though of as a musical)

Godspell is wonderful, particularly when performed by a college or high school group.

I generally hate musicals, and I am an atheist, yet I love Godspell! Go figure. It must be the music, then.

Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.
Boobs, legs, sex, humor. In short everything a well adjusted male likes.

*The Blues Brothers *- terrific music, comedy and lots of car chases!

Godspell is awesome! And the young Victor Garber is just adorable.

Reefer Madness!

Seriously. It’s got everything; comedy, drama, an orgy, blood and gore, love and hate, good and evil, and even zombies!

Oh, and the music rocks. Like, not Broadway-style rocks (which I love too), but Pete Townshend/Keith Richards/Jimi Hendrix rocks. :slight_smile:

Evil Dead: The Musical

How can you not enjoy a musical that has a (blood) Splatter Zone?