Muting the mics at the presidential debate

Mic or no mic, he will never STFU. He’ll just keep on talking in an effort to get under Biden’s skin.

Not only are the Shmenge’s from Eastern Europe, they are CANADIAN. And we’re not sending our best…

NYT Breaking News: Biden uses British spelling when he talks, alarming voters
Fox News: Is Sleepy Joe a traitor for using British spelling when he talks?

Or lower the Cone Of Silence.

How about real-time closed captions for Trump? Sometimes they’re inaccurate and seem like gibberish, but how could you tell with Trump?

At one point the captions just say “I QUIT” and stop.

If muted trump is close enough to be picked up on Joe’s mike, he’s just going to sound like the incoherent maniac he is.

As long as the “incoherent maniac” is able to disrupt Biden in any way, his followers will declare him to be the winner. “Incoherent maniac” is Trump’s baseline.


Nooooo. If you remember, when they used the cone of silence they couldn’t hear each other, but WE could hear both of them. OTOH, what if we all get under one side and put Trump under the other side?

*even within the show, people outside the cone of silence could still communicate with people inside it.

Having Trump yelling about, even if the mics don’t pick it up, would be sufficiently off-putting for Biden to make him lose the thread of his argument, making him look senile. A win for Trump. So he’ll do it. Just like he towered menacingly above Hillary Clinton in the other debate. He felt that to be a win, and his voters gleefully agreed. And Fox News and similar manipulators will cut the scenes in the most unfavourable way for Biden, like they are already doing.
The only chance for biden is Trump starts rambling about sharks and wets himself. So yes, there is a chance.

Now I’m half-expecting that Trump will stomp over to Biden’s podium and yell into that mike if his own is cut off.

I think that’s exactly why people are entertaining the idea that he’ll just yell louder if they cut him off. Either Biden’s (or the mod’s) mic will pick it up or he’ll distract Biden enough that he lashes out or starts making mistakes.

Glad someone asked about the muted mike situation. I was also wondering how that will be handled.

Also, this ^^^. Are the two speakers supposed to stay behind their respective lecterns? Whatever the rules are, you can be sure trump will challenge and/or break them.

Why not having them in separate rooms? We will only see one at the time anyway and they could see each other on screen. Then when they are muted, they are really muted.
No shouting or looming or physical attack.

Well, what we need is for Biden and Trump to be hooked up to an electrical shocking device like Bill Murray’s Peter Venkman used in testing ESP at the beginning of Ghostbusters.

When someone gets out of order, Jake Tapper can zap them.

Unless there is a specific rule against it and they enforce the rule, he will do it.

“Oh, a pirate’s life is a wonderful life…”

I can see Don the Con; face plastered to the glass wall, tiny fingers clawing at the enclosure, orange smears down the pane, noiselessly howling into the void - "Batteries! Sharks! Reduced flow! Flushing!..Hurricanes in Alabama…

I trustJoe will be ready for trumps usual assholishness. trump usually has his mikes making his volume for him. If he has to stand there and use lung power to make himself heard, he could very well hyperventilate. And it’s at night, so hopefully we’ll see some sun-downing.