My cat won't stop pooping!

The problem is simple. You disrupted kitty’s well-ordered life, and now she’s getting revenge by disrupting yours. She’s pissed off and this is her way of showing it.

As to how to stop her, orange essence helps kill the smell, and in our family, we’ve discovered a squirt bottle filled with water (or a squirt gun) is a pretty effective deterrent when the little beast is caught in the act. Meanwhile, try giving her extra attention, perhaps a few toys to keep her busy. Something so she won’t feel quite so neglected.

Hope this helps!

Cairs got a point. I had a cat that was an in/out cat, then got moved to an aparment-indoors only. She was pissed! She went on top of the fridge, wouldn’t come down, and I kid you not, did her business from the top of the fridge onto the floor! Talk about thinking about kittycide. She’s fine now though and a lovely little housecat. Except for the bizarre panic attacks. But at least I don’t have to clean those up.

it may sound quirky,but my dog used to do this all the time.
i think going to the point of eating the beast a bit extreme
so what i would suggest is put the damn thing in disposable
nappies (or you guys call them diapers)if the cats never out
side whos going to notice.

Hi again -

We’ve been in cat-brainwash mode chez Kate for the last month or so, but to no avail. To summarize, my cat has suddenly (after 8 years) forgotten how to use her litter box. For a while she was pooping outside one of my closets, but putting her food there stopped that. By default she poops on the bathroom floor, several inches from her litter box but never in it. I’ve tried putting her in the box when she needs to go, praising her etc. but for some reason that floor is just more attractive.

I managed to obtain 2 types of cat sprays - one that they love (contains catnip) and one that they supposedly hate. Of course, my cat only likes the catnip spray about 40% of the time, sometimes she’s just not interested. Anyway, the people at the pet shop suggested I spray her litter box with catnip spray, and everywhere else she likes to poop with the “Spray Repulsíf” (love the name).

The results:

Litter box in bathroom (default): poop on bathroom floor
Close bathroom door (box outside): poop in living room corners
Spray Repulsíf in all corners: poop 12 inches from corners

She doesn’t care how much I spray her litter box with catnip, and the Spray Repulsíf only seems to work for about 20 minutes or so. Please advise.
