My dog was run over by my mail carrier yesterday

How awful for both of you. I can’t imagine the feeling of just watching it happen and not being able to do anything. If Ruffi pulled her legs and is responsive to pain stim, that’s good. Maybe when the swelling goes down, all will be well. Happened to a little kitty of mine, who is fine now, but it was a few wobbly days. Healing thoughts and prayers to you both. Got any pics of her?

How awful!
I am sending big fat happy healing vibes for Ruffian.
I think the post office should at least issue stamps with Ruffians image on them. It is the least they could do.
Seriously, any recourse with the PO? Vet bills are a bitch.

That is bad news. Sending supporting thoughts your way.

My heart goes out to you. I lost my precious Doberman, Barron, to a hit-and-run driver while he was in my ex’s care. It was devastating. All the Anachi’s are sending their best wishes for a total recovery.

Here’s to Ruffie’s spirit winning the day StGermain.

Thanks again, for all the good wishes. Today she’s urinated and pooped, so that’s a good sign that things are at least working.

Shirley - Well, my dog was loose, so I doubt there’s any recourse. Even though we’re out in farm country. I saw the mail carrier (what’s the PC term for a female mailman?) yesterday and she asked about Ruffi and just said, “well, good luck.” No apology, no responsiblity taken. Fortunately, my vet always cuts me a good deal. All that I had done on Tuesday (x-rays, meds, stitches, etc) and she only charged me $60.


StG Never thought I’d be happy about doggy poop but I’m glad that things are working. It’s a good sign.

Don’t be too hard on the mail person. Perhaps she’s been instructed to not say anything that would be construed as taking responsibility for fear of being sued.

In any case best wishes for a speedy and full recovery for Ruffian.

Excellent. Best wishes for her :).

I had an airedale of my own named “Alfie” when I was a child - great dogs.

  • Tamerlane

Belly rubs and ear scratches for Ruffi.

And hugs for her owner. I hope she has a speedy recovery.

I’ve locked you, Ruffian and that wonderful vet of yours into my Chaplet of the Divine Mercies, which I pray every day. Just asking Him and Mary to smile on the three of you.

Things’ll start improving, StGermain. You’ll see.

Give Ruffian a little kiss for me.

Well, first of all, it’s not the mail carriers fault, and you shouldn’t expect an apology or mention anything to him about it. I’m sure he feels guilty even though it wasn’t his fault and you shouldn’t do anything to exacerbate it.

Anyway, my dog got hit once and his front left leg was basically dead. He dragged it on the ground and it had no feeling, and it eventually (slowly, over months) got back to normal and now it’s perfect again.

BTW, it was totally my fault. I had him in my front yard where he’d played a MILLION times and then one day, he went after a squirrel right when a car was coming up the road.

The only thing the driver said was, “Wow. I’m glad that wasn’t a kid.”

Yay for poop! Poop poop poop!

(I went through this just a few months ago with my Scout. I know how it is to be excited about dog poop.)

Go Ruffi go! Good dog! :: offers a cookie ::

I am so sorry to hear about Ruffi’s accident but let me join in the YAY POOP celebration.

A few years ago my then 6 month old pup Jake was hit by a truck in our driveway(he managed to wiggle out of his collar while tied out). He was in moderately poor shape with a brain injury, lots of bumps, contusions, road rash and a couple of broken toes. Of course he was in shock and barely alive by the time we made it to the vet where they charged us about $700 to save him. Of course it was worth every penny.

The guy who hit him demanded money on the spot and eventually ended up suing us for the damage to his truck. When it was discovered that he had been in an accident a week before and was trying to get us to pay for that damage he didn’t show up in court and the case was dropped.

Jake did recover with no lingering effects other than being slightly stunted in growth. My vet calls him “dainty” but he thinks he’s quite fierce

So I guess in my long winded way what I"m trying to say is that I’ve been in the positon of nursing a wounded pet and I know how hard it is to see them suffer. I have no doubt that Ruffi will be back up and causing mischief in no time.

Just adding my support for you and poochy, StGermain. :frowning:

I’m sorry about your dog. If it’s any consolation, I’ve been through this with two cats and a dog in the past and they all eventually recovered completely. It was a matter of waiting for the swelling in the spine to go down to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves.

Poor doggy :frowning: Will say a prayer.

Your mail carrier is probably scared to death to say anything which is why she didn’t apologize. If she says she’s sorry, she admits she did something wrong, and next thing she knows you’ve got a lawyer on her ass.

If the mood strikes, you might could tell her that you’re not mad at her and you know it was an accident. Once she knows that she’ll probably show her true feelings, I bet she feels awful.

My first dog was killed by a hit and run driver. It can happen so fast. Best of luck to your dog, it sounds like he has a good chance of pulling through!

Ruffi Update - I just got of the phone with my vet. She’s pleased that Ruffi’s pooping and peeing. The urination, while not exactly controlled, isn’t constantly dribbling out, so she has some bladder function. I’m supporting her rear end with a towel while she’s walking her front half, and she’s moving along that way. Ruffi’s trying to use one back leg and moving her whole back end. I keep reminding myself that this is just two days post-ccidents, and miracles usually happen by inches.


I am really glad she seems to be improving. Good luck.

Is Jake by any chance a springer? (I ask because we’ve had three so far and they are the BEST dogs IMNSHO)