My Favorite Roald Dahl story

I always liked “Neck,” with the moment at the end where everyone realizes what’s about to happen. That butler kicks ass.

I also liked the one about the vicar who is being pursued by all the young single women, and is driven insane. I especially like the part at the end where he says he has been trying to write a sentence that somehow works out as a circle. Makes no sense.

Although I get a bit tired of his obsession with upper-class old people.

Oo! What about the one with the nouveau-riche millionaire whose servants are stealing his wine? That was a nice one too.

You know what?

a. The OP described a short story which is correctly titled “The Visitor.”

b. “My Uncle Oswald” is, in fact, about a sperm bank. It was Dahl’s first full-length novel, published in 1980. This Uncle Oswald is the main character in the short story I was describing.

Dahl recycled characters and plot elements all the time - “Danny Champion of the World” was the children’s version of - oh, hell, I can’t find it, thought it was “Claud’s Dog” but it isn’t. Someone here will know, certainly I’m not to be trusted on such matters.

He also wrote music, most of which was performed by Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show – Sylvia’s Mother, On the Cover of the Rolling Stone, Roland the Roadie and Gertrude the Groupie, etc. One song they didn’t record was Stacy Brown Got Two

He was much like Dahl in having a dark, adult side.