My (Former) Long Distance Company

Well, now that I know that difficult pronunciation, what does it stand for? Some kind of carrier, I suppose. As many initialed words as I know, it’s still not enough. :smack:

Since I was being charged about $5/month for long distance (fees, charges, taxes, etc) when I made absolutely no (zero) long distance calls, it seemed no problem at all to just cancel LD–the woman on the phone understood perfectly. If it weren’t for my dial-up internet, I wouldn’t have a land line at all. My cable company folks “do not offer internet service” in my area. It’s easy to foresee the day when there won’t be any more “regular” telephones.

We have a somewhat different telephone service environment here in Canada, but I dropped my long distance service (Bell default plan) when I found out that the “Network connect” fee on my phone bill was for the connection to the LD carrier (themselves :rolleyes: ) and was more than the average LD plan savings they listed for the once or twice per month long distance calls. My total phone bill is about $1 less per month now that I don’t “save” with their long distance plan. (I know it’s not very much money - it was the principle of the thing.)

I just got my phone bill yesterday, and going through it (my SO usually does), I discovered that AT&T is charging us $2.50 for the privilege of issuing us a bill Yep, it says “Bill Statement Fee”


My former phone company was more than happy to take off my long distance carrier, leaving me with none. Then, when I got the next month’s bill, it was actually higher. They were charging me more for the privilege of not having a long distance carrier selected. I switched from that company in a flash.

That’s what set my Mom off.