My friend has never watched Seinfeld: What should we start with?

Not funny,watch something else. Yes,I did watch a couple of shows,I found the show to be about selfish,awful people that I wouldn’t allow in my house,so why let them into my brain via the tv?

I thought season 1 looked more realistic, Jerry sometimes relaxed in his sweats, later he’s always dressed to go out but I suppose some ppl are like that. Or the ones where he was on the computer as the scene starts that later never once gets used I don’t think. The g/f’s that Castanza gets was never realistic considering his persona.
Overall it was a well written series. The only sitcom on TV ever that I thought was actually plausible as a realistic middle class family yet still funny was Roseanne. Most sitcoms just come off as way too fake for me to really enjoy.

Seinfeld is the greatest Sitcom of all time, but as much as I love it, I’d never force anyone to watch it these days. Mostly because of the Seinfeld is Unfunny phenomenon. So many shows have copied Seinfeld and modernized the formula that Seinfeld itself seems incredibly outdated and unfunny to today’s audience.

It was kind of like how when I finally got around to watching Aliens, I hated it because it seemed so cliched and that I’d seen it a million times before. Of course, Aliens was the movie that more or less started an entire genre of space marine alien movies, and spawned all the cliches. If I had seen Aliens when it was new, I may have loved it, but to me, it was old hat.

That’s how Seinfeld is going to feel to most people who try to watch it for the first time today. Sadly.

Oh, hell no. “The Dinner Party” is one of my least favorites, and could be enough to turn someone off Seinfeld. It’s not funny or particularly cleverly constructed, it’s just a bunch of bad things happening to the four main characters, who are unpleasant enough that you don’t really feel sorry for them but not so much that they deserve all the crap the episode puts them through. Other episodes have left me grinning; that one just bummed me out.

So why bother opening and posting to this thread? Thread-shitting is rude.

Sorry, I was greedy. One of my top favorites is “The Nap”. The one where George makes that elaborate setup under his desk at work, so he can take nap. Also, “The Implant” with Teri Hatcher "They’re real, and they’re spectacular. And, “The Pick” Where some girl sees Jerry pick his nose in his car, and Elaine’s nipple is showing on a Christmas card.

Seinfeld is the only sitcom that ever made me laugh out loud.

All of these, and start with the Soup Nazi and The Puffy Shirt.

An awful lot of Seinfeld didn’t age well. I’d keep it to the above, and if your friend likes them, then go on to others.

I find this characterization interesting, though not uncommon.

I was only around 10-11 when the show started and 18 when it ended. While it took a couple years to really get off the ground, during most of the show’s run I never saw it as anything other than the very popular/highly rated show that it was. 30 million people watched the show weekly from 1993-1998. Most of my friends my age still quote episodes, and assume everyone will “get” the most random references without context.

While there were several million people who watched other things like the Living Single/Martin/NY Undercover FOX block (as I did during earlier years), and never saw Seinfeld, I can’t think of anything more mainstream (at least at the time) than Seinfeld. Or Friends. Unless being the most popular comedy show in the public consciousness was not mainstream by default. Was it something about this specific era that made Seinfeld so popular, and the humor doesn’t translate to other eras?

Sorry – I’m not sure yet what is allowed… I was trying to say not to force something you love on someone… Simply tell them where to find it. Son loves Zombie stuff,but he knows better than to give me a DVD of any of those movies.

I’d like to meet your friend. It’s refreshing to know I’m not the only person in the universe who hasn’t seen Seinfeld.

I agree but Soup Nazi was funny…