My local theater caught a guy with weapons

It IS weird. You’re weird. :mad:


I’m guessing she wasn’t familiar with the practice of stashing Thompson submachine guns in violin cases.

Oh no, I was in Band. You’re thinking of those no-good hooligans in the Orchestra. I hate that people can’t tell the difference between two such different groups based on such superficial similarities. :frowning:

Something something vague justification for using the pun “Senseless Violins”

A couple years ago I openly-carried my (holstered) 9 mm while taking my children to see a movie. No one cared. This is Ohio. Open carry state and all that.

I suspect I would receive a different reaction should I do it now.

It all ties together with too much sax and violins.

I kept a rocket launcher stashed in my trombone case.

Exactly. Which is why I always carry my wallet, cell phone and keys in a rifle bag.

Great story in today’s Cleveland Plain Dealer about this.

I actually remember people would try to carry some of the equipment from my company in an soft side rifle bag. It never occurred to me to wonder what problems that they would have when they tried to carry it on a plane. Maybe they would have to stencil in big letters on the side “NOT A RIFLE”.

One should expect when Fifty Shades of Grey shows up in theaters that women will be searched for ropes and other things.
