My Long Lost Sister

That’s great, I hope you have a fantastic time. How about posting some pix of the reunion?

It is to w00t! Hope it all goes well chowder.

Good luck!

Here’s hopin’ things go super for all of you chowder!

Well as it happens I don’t have a digital camera, matter of fact I’ve only just got used to the TV remote. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think Michael has a digital so I’ll have to see what happens as regards pics.

Thanks for best wishes

So how’d it go? Did everyone behave themselves?

Next Saturday my dear :stuck_out_tongue: June 2nd

shuffles feet

looks at floor

Consider your luck wished-for, chowder. And thanks for the update - I’m not at all surprised you’re nervous, so I’ll wish you strength as well as luck.

duplicate post - board hiccuped

Really interesting story, chowder. Thanks for sharing it, and I hope you have a good time.

Well we met.

A moving moment I can assure you, to see and meet a close blood relative that you had never met before is quite an experience.

I’m an old bugger but not totally insensitive and I’m not ashamed to tell you I cried a bit, Michael, my brother, seemed more dumbstruck than anything else but see ing as how he’s a mere stripling compared with moi I’ll let it go.

After picking her up at the airport I brought her home so that she could shower and get changed and around 8 we went out for dinner.

My sis has 3 kids and to my and Michaels amazement her 2 boys were named after both me and Mike, this despite her never knowing our names until she had traced us…weird or what?

Her daughter is named after my mothers mother even weirder!!

We had a hell of a lot to talk about, questions and answers galore.

Earlier today we took her to Southern Cemetary to see mums grave and we all cried our bloody eyes out, laid flowers and left, still with tears streaming down our faces.

She stayed overnight and she left about 45 minutes ago for the drive back to Middlesborough, I asked her to call to say she got back safely and all in all I can honestly say that this weekend has been possibly one of the most poignant of my life, my brothers also.

One regret, that mum wasn’t alive to see her, both would have been overjoyed

Thanks for the update, chowder. I’m glad to hear it went so well.


Damnit! You sure know how to make a girl cry.

I imagine it is harder for your sister since she was the one “let go.” How very brave she must be to risk being rejected from the same family twice.

I just saw pictures of my Aunt that I haven’t seen since I was a toddler. A cousin was surfing the web about a hobby and happened across pictures of her Mom. Needless to say, we’ve all now seen the photos. It is pretty unnerving, especially for my mother. The Lost Aunt was always the “beautiful” sister. My mother has always felt lesser than her. The photos of her look more like she is my grandmothers age than my mothers and she doesn’t look like a happy woman at all. Too bad, but for me it is an example of a hate-filled life making you ugly.

chowder I’m glad things went so well! Now that y’all have met, here’s hoping you can keep in touch with each other often.

I’m so happy you’ve found each other.

Thanks for all best wishes and such.

We’ll most definitely keep in touch have no doubts on that. Michael and myself are emphatic on the matter, we have no intention of losing our sister again, nossir.

I don’t know if I told the board before but Michael is a bit of a rich bugger and just last year he bought a villa in Puerto de la Pollenca, Majorca., which oddly enough is where my sis just returned from.

Anyways the place was a bit run down and needed a fair bit of work doing on it to make it habitable, this work is practically finished so later this year or maybe next the whole bunch of us are off on a Spanish holiday :slight_smile:

I expect much consumption of falling down water to take place

A touching story, thank you for sharing.

I’m so glad everything went well! The whole story is very cool.

It’s very cool - congratulations, chowder, and thanks for keeping us informed.

Villa in Majorca, eh? Lucky bastard …