My sister has died.

I’m so sorry, Chefguy. Your sister sounds like someone I wish I could have known.

Our sincere condolences, Chefguy. May you and your family find peace.

My deep condolences, Chefguy. I can only hope to be remembered half as fondly as your post shows your love for your sister.

What an amazing mother, sister, and daughter she was! I’m so sorry for your loss. I send you my most sincere condolences.

Condolences, Chefguy. Leukemia is what got my mother-in-law.

Sorry to read this, but a wonderful tribute. Sincere condolences to you and your family Chefguy.

I know, and I wasn’t going to post more karmic pain for people to have to absorb. But this place has been somewhat of a refuge over the last ten years, and even though I don’t know any of you beyond some pixels on a screen, and have probably even argued with some of you, I do know that you have heart. Other than my wife, I have nobody here to vent my anger and grief to, so you guys all get to hear about it. I hope that if any of you have an event of this nature in your lives, that I’ll be as generous with my words as you have been.

I’m so sorry. I’m not even close to my siblings, but the idea of losing either of them is terrifying. I hope and pray for you. This is a good and supportive community. Stay strong.

What a lovely description of her, thank you for sharing it with us. My condolences to you and your family.

Ah, dammit Chefguy, I’m so sorry you and your family have lost this amazing woman. She must have loved you very much to wait as she did, and having you there must have been a great comfort.

I am honored and blessed that you shared some of your sister’s fire and spirit with us. She sounds like a friggin’ pistol. I am so very sorry for your loss.

Oh, of course. You’ve been very generous to me personally and I really do wish I could do more.

My heart goes out to you, Chefguy. We’re here for you.

Thank you for sharing her with us. Besides wishing I’d known her, what you’ve written makes me want to strive to be more like her. Except maybe the Alaska part. She was obviously made of sterner stuff than I.

My sister also taught me to read before I started school. We still share a love of books.

The medical bungling that added to her pain is making me so angry that I cannot imagine what it’s doing to you.

I’m deeply sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss, she sounds like such an amazing character.

Sometimes we “lose one”. I’m sorry for your loss.

Chefguy, she sounds like someone we all wish was in our circle of friends. I’m so very sorry for your loss.

I’m so very sorry for your loss. Deepest condolences.

So sorry, Chefguy.