My Sucky Summer

How long have you been doing this, and what kinds of games are you interested in? I might be able to pass a resume along to the right people. If you don’t mind a commute a little further down the peninsula, drop me an email.

I used to have some FOAF connections at Midway. No longer, but from a quick browse at their website I see that they’re looking for QA folks in San Diego and LA if you’re willing to relocate. I may also be able to get you a great deal on a room in San Diego. Email me if you’re interested, Miller.

Thanks for the offers, fetus, MrJackBoots. I’m planning on moving generally Southward soon anyway, but not all the way down to LA. MrJackBoots, I’ll drop you an email shortly.

Thanks again to everyone who posted.

Well, my offer will still be open if/when you ever need it. AFAIK I will be able to get you into gay-friendly housing pretty cheap in San Diego through the foreseeable future should it be necessary. Anyway you and SolGrundy are good people, plus you agree with me politically. :smiley: :wink:

Doesn’t “to piss off” consist of two words? Not defending my use of “to air condition”; I blame that on the mind-frying climate here.

It sounds like you’ve run into a lot of suckitude, Miller. I hope things get better for you and yours, but in the meantime I’m moving this from the Pit to MPSIMS. You rant was neither mundane nor pointless but you don’t need any piling on that the Pit might allow.

My sympathies, Miller. All of that really does suck.

I know what that’s like. Since I’m in the MarCom department, I found out before the rest of the employees that the company is being bought out. It’s hard to know something big and bad like that and not be able to talk about it, warn your co-workers, etc.

I hope you can find something new that you like as well–or even better–and that the time apart from your bf goes by quickly. And think of it this way: since you had such a sucky summer, you’re due for a really, really good one next year.

Sure, but “off” isn’t part of the verb. “Piss” is a verb, “off” is the Thousand Island dressing.