MysterEcks hits 300--now I am a man...

…and I can stop wearing these damn training pants.

(What, you thought there was gonna be something profoundin here?)

Does that mean I turn into a man on my 300th post, too?

I’ll have to watch that, I don’t want to be a man. I like guys, far more than is good for me, but I don’t want to BE one. They don’t have as much fun wearing glitter.

happy 300th MisterEcks! hugs and kisses and all.

Congrats- “kid”. :smiley:

Baglady said:

They forgot to mention that when you signed up, didn’t they?

Medea’s Child said:

Not without being seriously inebriated, anyway.

Thanks, Medea. Hugs and kisses back.

Danielinthewolvesden said:

Thanks, Daniel. Now if I could just get liquor store clerks to stop laughing at me when I ask if they want to see my ID. (Hey, I could be under 21. Well…ok, maybe not, but they are supposed to card anyone who looks under 30. And I certainly don’t look-- <looks at self in mirror; notes gray hairs in beard and scalp peaking through head hair> --er…I don’t look…well, dead…)

(MysterEcks’ next thread will be on having a middle-age crisis.)


But who told you about not having to wear the training pants? They’re required until you hit 500!

hey, Dry, what happened to you re our quote "duel’? It was OK for you to drop out, but unlike you to not say goodbye.

Hijacking a post party thread, huh?

I haven’t said goodbye because I still have some faint hopes about continuing the thread.

I apologize, I’ve been caught up in other things lately. Among other things, the four or so female SDMB members that I’ve been corresponding with pretty regularly. No offense, Daniel, but I love talking to them as much or more than firing off Shakespeare quotes.

Trust me, though, I’ll be back. Problem is, all the good quotes I’ve memorized, I’ve now forgotten and will have to read again to refresh my memory… :mad:

DRY said:

Thanks, DRY.

Damn…well, alright, but the thing about me singing “I’m a big kid now” in public is over!

De rien.

Damn…well, alright, but the thing about me singing “I’m a big kid now” in public is over!

They didn’t tell you about singing the Barney song in the Pit, yet, have they?? :stuck_out_tongue:

OK, to apologize for my hijack,… Bring out the the dancing girls!! :smiley:

Is this going to be an “Ecks” rated party?

Congrats, MysterEcks, but, um…if you weren’t a man before, honey, what exactly were you?

DRY said:

No…though somebody said something about drinking so much tequila I forget what I’m doing and eat the worm.


I hope so…er, I mean possibly.

TroubleAgain said:

Thanks, Trouble. As for your question…

(Pick answer you like best)

[li]I was a kid. (No, I do not mean an immature goat. Get away from me with those straws!)[/li]
[li]I was a woman–don’t you remeber that I was originally MyssEcks?–but I decided what the hell, and took a quick trip to Sweden.[/li]
[li]I was a holodeck image, but now I’ve escaped. (I don’t know why. I mean, hemmorhoids? Who comes up with this stuff?)[/li]
[li]I was a monkey, but now I’ve evolved. (You guys just keep those “not very much” comments to yourselves.)[/li]
[li]I was a Centauri, but now I’ve turned human. (And I’m not very happy about it–if you know anything about the Centauri, you know why.)[/li][/list=A]

(Note to anyone who doesn’t think this is funny–how much did you pay for it, huh? If I got paid for it, maybe I’d be funnier.)

I’d offer congratulations, but actually the assembled Doper and TM will be the judge about this.

::stares at Mr. Eycks:: Well, actually I don’t particularly, personally want to know. I’d like to know in the purely objective sense, but ::peers around wildly for purplebear, Falcon, etc.:: but for the nonce a brimming glass of Guinness would do.

And fergawdsake, change out of those ridiculous Spiderman Underoos!

::shudders:: I don’t EVEN want to know what Chief Scott will do when he wanders in. Or Byzantine. Or Ayesha.
