N. and S. Korea firing artillery at each other

Hey, it’s your own analogy; I’m simply fixing it to make it more realistic. Don’t blame me if it’s not perfect (i.e. the real expected death rate will not be 100%) - I’m limited by the material you’re giving me to work with.

Your statement is confusing. What “can’t be North Korean?” Also, I must point out that you’re once again making the mistake of presuming to know all relevant facts. It has not been conclusively established by neutral experts that North Korea had anything to do with the unfortunate (and likely accidental) sinking of the warship.

Because it’s the Empire we’re talking about; it’s nothing if not bi-polar. Remember Afghanistan, for example? Sure you do. Received over $1 billion in US aid over two decades (including lots of food). This kept going right up to the point that the bombs started falling:


I have not previously heard of any such allegations. You’re sure of the veracity of the claims, right? Oh, who am I kidding… You’re likely just repeating some mindless Western propaganda you picked up somewhere. Well, let’s have a cite anyway.

I think this is a good example of your overall problem. When it comes to North Korea, you’re just one tightly-wound ball of hate, and your strong emotions make it impossible for you to be objective when it comes to these conversations. You likely imagine the North Korean government prancing around with pitchforks and smelling strongly of sulfur… The world is not that black and white. And, you know what, I strongly hate the US government, and yet even I wouldn’t advocate executing everyone in it, much less “painfully.” That’s a very fanatical and worrying stance on your part; and people think that we Marxist-Leninists are the bloodshed-loving ones…