Naeem Noor Khan -- the other shoe drops

Well, maybe silence from those asswipes means they’re starting to realize they’ve been defending the indefensible?


-Joe, go D!

I’m merely keeping quiet until I know enough to comment intelligently.

Please don’t interpret an absense of comment from individuals here as an indication of feelings or opinions on a subject, one way or the other. I’ve learned over time that this isn’t a smart tack to take on message boards.

Are you talking to Us, perhaps?

Actually, We don’t believe it applies to Us 100%, but let’s dispense with the niceties, shall we? Therefore, We recognize the gentleman from North England.

But before you and Us can meaningfully proceed with flinging shit at each other, allow Us to introduce some historical backround to complete the picture. So with your leave…

The time is first week of September, 2004. DNC convention just closed with nomination of a certain loser. Cyberspace was thick with suspicions that Bush was going to announce arrests of maybe even Osama in order to sabotage the DNC convention and distract public attention. Ridge raises terror alert. Immediately, miriads of little angry voices scream political opportunism and claim that information used to justify higher alert level is dated back to the year 2001 or even earlier.

From the link previuosly provided:

In resulting hubbab, the name of Khan somehow dropped out.

And it was a mistake.

And somebody must be punished.

And it’s gladdens Our heart to observe that more and more people recognize that we are engaged at war with a real foe and any mistake might turn extremely costly. counting innocent human lives.

And it is really touching to observe a new found appreciation for covert operatives among certain type of people, who previously had nothing positive to say about them.

And to give credit where credit is due, Sen. Schumer strikes a perfect balance in the following interview.

We’d like to conclude this little historical expose with Our heart felt, “Fuck off” adressed personally to the gentleman from North England, who prefers to be known under ridiculous monicker of ‘tagos’.

Trickling through what blogoshpere?

Is there a credible blog out there where someone is putting forth this connection?


That will certainly be a big story if it bears out the way people here are thinking, but, people in this thread are making a big to-do right now and about the only thing I’ve seen to justify it are a couple of musings here in this thread.

Nothing at huffington. Nothing at andrewsullivan. Just what blogosphere is this trickling through?

Juan Cole for example:
The Ghost of Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan

I’d cut that text and paste it somewhere, just in case. Mr. Cole has an interesting habit of making things disappear from his blog if they prove embarassing later.

OK. I don’t know him.

I think that it’s clear that he’s indicating that people are still just speculating.

I’m not dismissing it. He hasn’t really said much though.

I know this is the Pit and all, but cite? I’ve not noticed Mr. Cole doing that.

Damn, New Iskander, you should really lay off the alcohol when posting. Especially in the Pit. It kind of gets in the way of pretending to not be an asshole.

You are nearly the dumbest cunt here. Nearly. I mean, I cannot recall reading anything you have written and not speculated to myself about your cognitive functioning. Are you suggesting that it was Senator Schumer who released the information? Are you suggesting that Schumer was the one Rice was referring to about the release, confirming that the administration released the info “on deep background?” How the fuck could that be?

Proof here, along with saved pages and Google caches. Plus, Cole’s attempts to defend this practice.

Pfft. Since when does he pretend?

I only wish is identical twin Ryan_Liam was around. They were so adorable they way they’d switch clothes and pretend to be each other.


Thanks Mr. Moto. I’m not sure that constitutes proof, but you know how hard that is to get on weasely bloggers. I’ve known that Cole wanders past the edges of rationality at times, but didn’t know that a significant group of people also accuse him of cheating.

That aside, the “Noor Khan” story is making a splash the news today, 1340 hits by 1:30pm.

Just a question. If you think that Cole is irrational at times, why did you reply with him as an example when Trunk asked for a cite from a credible blog?

Do you find him irrational, yet credible?

Sure, on many topics. We all go irrational over one thing or another, that doesn’t mean that everything we post is BS. If I were to insist on using only websites that never change the ‘facts’ after they’re printed, I’d have to stop using too, and that’s just not practical.
Cole’s a fairly well respected blogger, however, it’s always good to remember that he’s got his little agenda too.
Trunk asked for an example of which blogosphere the Noor Khan story was trickling through. I gave him one. There was no reason to link to Redstate’s current Anti-Cole Screed, and to your credit, I see you avoided it too.

Okay, who’s the guy at GOP Spin Control Center who’s sleeping on the job today? Moto needs some talking points to parrot, dammit!

I offered praise for Chuck.

Sorry about misunderstanding.


Don’t expect the media push that story, because the are complicit in the whole fiasco.

They went to WH in September '04 demanding proof there is any fresh intelligence to justify raising terror alert. WH gave out Khan’s name in response. Media publicized the name.

Now it turns out there was a chance to prevent London teracts if Khan’s name weren’t made public.

How can media blame it on WH without taking part of the blame?

There is no defense for this either deliberate or accidental repeated leaking of information, which compromises national security and/or the war effort (such as it is). I don’t care about some blogger named Cole. It is irrelevant. What is relevant is, our “government” feels comfortable in leaking damaging info whenever it suits their immediate personal political needs. There is no possible defense of this. None. We know of three such leaks so far. How many don’t we know about?