Naked Supreme Court Justices Equals Porn!

Actually, I like to think that the point wasn’t that the Supremes are “Ewww… nasty ugly old people.” I think that it makes a better point - that the Supremes are just people. Underneath their robes they’re no more special than any other human. They get a lot of reverence and respect from many people who put them on a pedestal. This image shows that underneath they look just like your grandparents.

Or not. I could be reading way too much into it. Hopefully not, as many other parts of America: The Book are superficially funny, but also have a deeper serious message.

Well, I think it’s more to poke fun at our discomfort with looking at old naked bodies, and also just good-old-fashioned gross-out humor. There’s highbrow and lowbrow sorta mixed up in a big disgusting mess, if you ask me, which is both funny and repulsive at the same time.

I also figure it was almost certainly designed to bring folks with an Ashcroftian mindset to a purple rage. Mission accomplished! :smiley:

I find nekkid pics of the SCOTUS obscene.

Hell…I find any pics of the SCOTUS obscene.

Actually, he said that he wasn’t going to go with the easy comment of “Mississippi has libraries?” he said that he simply going to point out that there were far worse things in the book, like something about Maya Anjelou and oral sex.

IMO, the book needed just that touch.

And I am sure it offended any number of people who should be taken out and shaken. I usually don’t like bathroom humor etc, but that book is just so good–I excuse all excesses.

Jon Stewart’s reaction:

He seemed so down about it. I wanted to give him a big hug and a cup of Ovaltine.

Must. Buy. Book. Now.