Name an artifact that will baffle archaeologists in the year 4000 A.D.

Eyelash curlers.

Heck, those things baffle me now.

Titanium golf clubs

False Teeth (maybe not baffle, but definitely amuse)

statue of liberty and empire state building souveniers. They might think we worshipped the Lady Liberty in our great temple Empire State Building…

My apartment will definitely survive, it’s practically a bomb shelter as it is… I’d hate to hear what they have to say on that one…

Pinetree-shaped car deoderizers.

Suction-cup Garfield™ toys.

MS Windows (any version): ‘But Synthar, I thought this was an advanced and sophisticated society…’

The transcripts of Congressional debates: ‘But Synthar, I thought this was an advanced and sophisticated society…’ :slight_smile:

Rock-polishing machines
Foosball tables
Halloween costumes

Things that already puzzle kids:

wind-up alarm clocks
8" soft floppies, 5-1/4" floppies, and soon 3-1/2" diskettes
8mm film strips
buttons on the front of a TV set (not to mention a VHF dial!)

Perhaps this is a look into the future …

check out Smithsonian Barbie on:

The structures standing in 2000 years will probably be just our prisons. Everything else will collapse everntually.