Name the Movies

1.) I just wanted to point out that no one has gotten the second 1930s “Ape Runs off with the Girl” picture from my earlier post.

2.) I suspect that the coincidences I’ve cited really are coincidences (as suggested by the simultaneity or near-simultaneity of the releases), but some of the ones others have listed are, one suspects, cases of imitation. Alien and [N]It! The Terror from Beyiond Space** being a case in point.

Stand By Me and Explorers?

Correct. Mine are too easy, it seems.

The Last Crusade isn’t from the mid-80s, doesn’t contain a junkyard and doesn’t even have a dog (which I still find very strange; why wouldn’t they show the dog from which Indy took his name?).

They do have a very brief shot of Indy’s dog in the opening section, as River Phoenix runs into his home to show his father the Cross of Coronado. But if you blink, you’ll miss it. It’s a German shepherd (Alsation), and it even barks as he runs by.
By the way, there’s a double joke there. George Lucas always said that Chewbacca was based on his dog, so I’ve always assumed that this dog was meant to represent both Indiana’s namesake and Chewbacca’s inspiration.

Would it be 1932’s Murders in the Rue Morgue?

This one is even easier than my previous ones, but it has to be mentioned: Three movies from 97/98, filled with scientific, technical and logical errors of ridiculous magnitude, in which a rock from space threatens Earth and flying vehicles are used to save the world.

From ** Uvula Donor**:


As far as I can remember, Murders in the Rue Morgue doesn’t feature a woman being sacrificed by a primitive tribe to a huge gorilla, nor any American expedition setting out to rescue her. If I’m wrong here, they were quite unfaithful to the book.

D’OH! I was thinking specifically along “ape runs off with woman” and ignored the “primitive tribe” part.

Never mind.


Hmmm… Deep Impact, Armageddon, and … Asteroid?

Here’s a similar one:
Two movies, also from the mid-90s, in which hot “magma” escapes to the surface and threatens a family.

One of them is Dante’s Peak. I forget the name of the other, but it was set in LA, and emergency workers could stand remarkably close to the supposedly intensely hot lava.

I’m surprised that nobody’s got my two movies by now, especially considering that both films have been mentioned in another thread very close to this one…

I think it has to do with Welsh. My understanding is that in the Welsh language, “ff” is a single letter separate from “f” and the uppercase version of “ff” is “ff.” Writing it as “Ff” would mean that it is “f” followed by another “f,” not “ff.” Or something like that.

If that’s completely off the mark, then there is also the case that it results from the fact that in some mediaeval-era scripts, uppercase “f” looked just like “ff,” rather than like “F” and for some vague conceit, some people with names beginning with an “F” have chosen to write it as “ff” to make it look old-timey.

The other one has to be Volcano (“The Coast is Toast” was the tag. Although, as Mike Nelson pointed out, it was only a small section of LA that was actually toast.)

White Pongo.


Dante’s Peak and Volcano?

Yep, those are the two I was thinking of. If I’d said “two movies in which a volcano erupts”, that would have pretty much given one away. :stuck_out_tongue:

Still not there.

The Haunting and Psycho?

The Haunting is one! Psycho, no.

Is “Repulsion” the other one?