NBA Playoffs!

I got no dog in this here hunt, but bravo to the Suns! I will cheer for them tonight, because of their decision to be **Los **Suns tonight:

well to be totally fair, the spurs will be los spurs next home game. matter of fact popovich was commenting on how he wished that he could have gotten road los spurs uniforms for tonight’s game so that it could be los suns v los spurs.

and although i follow the east not at all orlando does seem to be playing some pretty durn basketball.

at the level they are currently peforming they might be able to take any of the remaining western conference teams to five games before losing. :smiley:

Miami has been occasionally using “El Heat” jerseys for a while now.

Lakers fan chiming in here. This season has been waiting for one thing:

Gasol & Bynum to play well together. (Well, and Ron Artest learning the triangle, but that won’t happen in my lifetime.)

That appears to finally be happening, which spells trouble for the rest of the West. That said, with Amare playing as a complete game as he’s ever played and Hill stepping up, I picked the Suns as my darkhorse and I think they’ll pull off the upset. I’m in the minority, but I think they’ll blow right past San Antonio.

¿Como no estan “Los Sols”?

Los Soles actually :stuck_out_tongue:

And “Las Espuelas” and “El Calor.” (cite)

Orlando is definitely playing like the team that got to the finals last year. They look tough and unbeatable. 4 guys with 20+ points last night against Atlanta, that’s insane! How do you stop them all? I think the Hedo thing is definately forgotten by this point, though I never gave it much credence anyway. Last year, Nelson was hurt for half the season, so of course the ball was going to Hedo to set up for everyone else. People worrying about replacing him with Carter shouldn’t; Nelson’s healthy now and he’ll do the setup. I think they will definately pose problems for the Lakers if they meet in the finals again

On another note, what do people think about the rumors about a sign and trade between LA and Toronto for Bynum and Bosh? Sure, Bynum’s been hurt, but he’s only 22 and when he’s been healthy, he’s been great. Plus, with Bynum, Gasol gets to move to his natural position of PF. If we get Bosh, I don’t see them working together as well. I just wish Bynum can stay healthy for one whole season before we judge him.

Tonight might solve any lingering doubts I have about the Cavs, but they look vulnerable against the Celtics. While I don’t think Lebron’s leaving Cleveland, I also don’t think it’s completely impossible. That possibility grows if he is eliminated early by the Celtics, or again by the Magic which is what I think will happen. As much as I want more Nike puppet commercials, I don’t think Lebron’s making his way to the finals if the Magic are as good as they look in these first 6 games

I could see Lebron bailing if the Cavs lose again. I think the most likely result is he is going to sign a short term contract again with the Cavs, say three years or so, then this circus will repeat itself in a few years.

If they lose in the finals, I think Cleveland’s safe and Lebron stays. One thing I would put money on though is if they lose to Boston or Orlando, Mike Brown will be gone.

For some reason the Cavs game is on at 4est today, so I’ll miss most of it by the time I get home :frowning:


Wow, you’re smart! I hope you put money on it!

Looks like Atlanta is headed towards another whooping. Booed of the court at home at halftime, ouch.

Shocked to see the Spurs swept by, of all teams, the Suns. I guess things have to end some time or another and this exit, coupled by last year’s 1st round exit against Dallas makes me think the Spurs dynasty has reached its end. However, if the younger guys like Hill and Mason step up and work at it in the offseason, and everyone stays healthy (always the same mantra with this old team), I can see them tearing it up next year again with 50 wins.

My Lakers have battled the Spurs so much during this last decade that Lakers vs. Spurs seems like a forgone conclusion every year. I don’t know what they’ll do to move on, since their big 3 can still bring it, but obviously Duncan’s for his age. Richard Jefferson’s trade didn’t work out at all. Maybe if they do get someone this offseason who is the player Jefferson was supposed to be, they can still go deep into the playoffs. I don’t see them beating the Lakers though, as we’re younger and still bigger. Good job Suns, way to exorcise those playoff demons. LA’s in your future and I promise the Lakers will not get swept (I hope!)

In the meantime, it looks like the Player of the Decade is down to just Kobe and Shaq. I still say Kobe should get it, no matter what happens. He’s been the most consistent now that Duncan’s gone and has hit higher highs and his lows aren’t as bad as Shaq’s. Besides, Kobe was integral to their 3 championships and last years while Shaq wasn’t that important in Miami and seems like a log out there with the Cavs

Speaking of which, good going Boston. I still won’t root for the Celtics, but I can enjoy them beating the Cavs. Those two teams seem like they are battled to see which one loses to Orlando. I have to say though, it is hilarious to read the bloggers and the news stories after each game. After every one, it’s “how can the losing team win another game” or “winning team seems unstoppable”. You’d think they learn. If I had to write the stories after each game, it would be that both teams are stepping up when it matters to win the games they need to win. Cavs needed game 1 to establish themselves. Celtics needed game 2 to prevent falling into a hole. Cavs needed game 3 to reestablish themselves and reassure their fans. Celtics needed game 4 to tie it and show they are not going to be an easy out. I think all the news sites should just shut up until after game 5 and not make any stupid predictions about who’s going to come out on fire and who needs to step up. Both teams need game 5, both know it’s critical, and either one can win it. It doesn’t matter if Lebron goes for 50 or Rondo gets a quadruple-double, this tie of 2-2 doesn’t mean anyone has the momentum. I’m just looking forward to a good game

I’ve always been more careful about my predictions than most. Maybe that’s why I’m wrong a lot (after all I picked Denver and the Mavs to win their series). I think the Jazz is going to win tonight. They’ve gotten closer and closer each game and they will be fighting for their lives. The older Lakers had only 1 day of rest between games, and Utah’s arena is one of the loudest in the NBA. I think they come out with a lot more energy than the Lakers and take this one at home. Still think the Lakers will close it out in game 5 though, and from then on a fairly easy matchup with Phoenix.

Oh, and Atlanta gets swept. Probably another blowout. If the Hawks get down 10 points anytime in the first half, look for Orlando to build on that momentum and beat them by 20 or something

The Cavs’ offense is really pissing me off. Boston locked down on D and the Cavs were stagnant until Mo Williams started driving towards the basket and kicking it out to open shooters. Boston can’t stop that, so you’d think they’d go small most of the game. Nope. They leave Shaq in and try to out-Boston Boston.

And Rondo…I wasn’t too upset by the defense against him yesterday because he didn’t shoot lights-out and they gave him a couple of good hard fouls when he went to the basket, but…18 rebounds?! Are you fucking kidding me? He had more offensive rebounds than the Cavs did as a team! That says the Cavs got out-hustled yesterday. Again.

Also, is it just me, or is Varejao having a lackluster postseason? He makes his hustle plays, but he’s not rebounding all that well, and he seems to keep taking the wrong angle to the ball.

Rondo is a pretty damn good player. I just heard LeBron on the radio on the way home offering his services to the Cleveland coaches to defend against Rondo. I’m not so sure how well LeBron will fare against the smaller and much faster Rajon if that were to happen.

It might not be a bad idea in stretches if Pierce is going to continue to struggle. Rondo’s dribble penetration is killing them.

That’s what I mean, though. I think Rondo will regularly be breaking LeBron’s ankles.

i’ll tell you what. i man up for this. sheesh the suns made the spurs look older and more decrepit than ever expected. i really thought this would be a good series and shit they just smoked our ass. i mean not one game was really a nail biter. all kind of close but you could see who the best team was on the floor at all times (god, does it hurt to type that).

and i was just listening to some of the local sport’s folks. the only way mason is back next year if he ends up paying the spurs 3 - 5 milly. talk about a jarren jackson reprise. and shit the 14 mil jefferson experiment was a freaking wipeout. bring back bowen at 2 a year and the son of a gun would be more contributory than that waste of over priced basketball nonsense.

From one Lakers fan to another, you’re way underestimating Phoenix. They are legit and don’t be surprised if they go to to Finals. They swept San Antonio without Robin Lopez, who made a significant contribution at the end of the season and he will be back for the conference finals. If he meshes with the team (no small task coming off injury), it neutralizes the Lakers real advantage: the Lakers’ twin towers (which has finally shown glimpses in the playoffs). Phoenix has a better bench and Nash/Drajic are going to destroy the Lakers’ point guards and wreak havoc on the Lakers’ D.

I hope I’m wrong, but I think it will be the Suns in 6.