NBC's La Brea

What should we call the people who were there previously? Maybe, the Others?

I have not watched the show yet, but all the ads for it include someone saying “RUN!!!”

Maybe I am just tuned to it because of this thread.

And, vs a dire wolf or sabertooth- you are just gonna die tired.

OK, last epi they jumped the shark. Levi and the other lost person from another opening fixed the plane.

But the present team found that plane crashed, appearing mysteriously in a dig. Okay, so they send back a message by means of a crashed drone- “Don’t get on the plane!” . Fine. But then Levi and the tech sgt woman finds what the problem could be, and says “good catch, we found it and fixed it, we can go!” .

But the leading lady and the crazy cop lady arrives, tells them they can’t take off, even for a test flight, ands they can’t take anyone, even if they are willing to take a risk. But nooooo! So guns are drown, the plane is blown up, and the tech sgt lady is gut shot- all due to idiocy.

Look, Levi finding the fault should have changed history yet again. They could have at least let the test pilot and the tech sgt do a test flight.

I now hate the leading lady and the crazy cop lady, as they are crazy morons.

Oh, and buried CSA gold. Yep. Next epi I expect Templar artifacts.

Wait a minute… are you pathologically addicted to Curse of Oak Island like I am?
Narrator: “Templar artifact? Could it be?”

Oh no, but I do have a FB group dedicated to making fun of the show, so I went to On Command and caught those two super faked and bogus episodes.

It may have - but that assumes someone was keeping an eye on the dig site and that the semi-evil (but really just trying to not kill present day folks) government fellow allowed them to send another drone saying “hey, looks like you fixed something!”.

The show crashed for me one week before that – the one where a bunch of them spent most of the episode wandering around the mud hut people (who somehow have a nifty hinged rock sekrit exit) while the ones back at the crash site decided the important thing to do was… play softball.

And there weren’t even any new CGI beast to make fun of. :frowning:

The crash site ‘disappeared’ from the dig site -

Okay, I keep watching at this point because my best friend watches and wants to talk about it, but I’ve stopped really paying attention.

Two points though:

  1. When the Mud Hut Leader Woman said she would reveal the secret to how her people were able to survive there, how many of you were expecting something more than We Plant and Grow Things.

Like, ooooh! A farm! The sky people couldn’t possibly have thought of doing that themselves! (Actually, these particular Sky People are pretty damn stupid.)

  1. I only partially caught the announcement, but didn’t they say something like ‘only one more episode until the finale’?

As in finale, finale? As in, this was planned to be a limited series to begin with, and might actually have a planned ending? Or it it just That’s all the episodes we bothered to film as a try out, 'cause we know damn well the thing is 90% likely to be canceled after a single series?

and 3) (yes, I said only two above, so sue me) Why the hell did they cast a fair-haired boy with straight hair if they intended him to be the young self of a dark haired man with wavy hair?

Possibly the fall finale. A lot of shows will take a break until after the new year.

No, NBC actually renewed this pitiful farce for a second season.

This is what happens when you watch a show ironically. It gets ratings and stays alive. I hope you’re pleased with yourselves. :wink:

That’s why I’ve been watching this show vicariously, by reading this topic rather than actually watching it.

No seeds to start the farm.

But the stupid is strong with this show.

Especially with the older sister- she assaults and leaves for dead one guy, then tries to abduct her sister. But punish her? No way!

These days, Nielsen (or whoever does TV ratings nowadays) probably measure that, too.

“What do the overnights on the last episode look like?”
“Not that great for people who exactly watched it…but people on message boards are positively shredding it!!”

Yeah, helping the New Sky People (ooh, band name) learn to farm is not a bad story idea in itself, and the paleontologist guy had actually had a decent, though poorly executed, idea with the greenhouse made of windshields.

The stupid part was that they made a big deal in the previous episode that the cold season was coming on, they had just had one big-ass winter storm, then in the most recent episode Para shows them their garden, which appears set in whatever passes for their mid-summer season. Not that I know much about subsistence farming, but it seems like they should have been done with gardening and even harvesting, and well into drying / storing for winter mode, I would think.

It isn’t a factor in the ratings game. It doesn’t matter why someone views a particular commercial carrier, as long as exposure to the commercials are high.

Joke, deadpan mode.