Need a Mammogram Re-Check. Keep Me From Freaking Out...

I had to check the user name because I could have posted this exact same post, pretty much word for word except the part about Mr. S – I had no awesome Mr. S. In fact, I really didn’t have any support at all and that makes the worry and fear much worse.

I’d say, confide in your SO or someone who is close to you and let that be the one safe place where you express all your fears and worries. And when the conversation is over, let it go. I know it’s hard, but try not to obsess about it. At this point, you don’t have enough information to know what to obsess about, so you’re really just making shit up in your own head. Try really hard not to do that. Remind yourself: I don’t have any concrete information yet; I am just making shit up.

The false positive rate for mammograms is quite high. I quote, from an article on Science-Based Medicine:

These numbers (1000 false positives for 1 life saved) are for women under 40, but the odds are very good that if you get a call back on a mammogram, it is not panic time yet.

After what I went through, I’m beginning to suspect that my surgeon just wanted to make an extra boat payment. I have a very good idea that they could have just waited and watched and I wouldn’t have had to have surgery and get my boob all mangled up. Because what they took out turned out to be benign. Now the mammogram place gets to make another boatload of money because I’m labeled (stigmatized, IMO) as “high risk” so that means I have to have the mammos twice a year, and my boobs are fibrous and dense, so that usually means a callback.

I am not unconvinced that all the excess exposure to radiation (Mammos twice a year from age 38-40, not to mention the 6 or so required for the needle biopsy and the other 12 or so required for the surgical biopsy… not to mention several x-rays I had last year for a broken foot and for dental x-rays once a year.) isn’t actually going to cause cancer. I keep thinking of those pictures of people from Nagasaki and Hiroshima. When you expose people to a bunch of radiation, nasty shit happens.

And yeah, all kinds of docs have said to me “Oh, well, it’s a *very small *dose of radiation.” Yeah, but I’ve had at least 30 mammograms in four years. It’s a small dose if you have it done once a year and get just two films. They always do 4-6 films on me twice a year, more when there’s a callback.

I tell those docs, “Oh, well, the radiology people have a vested interest in convincing me it’s safe, don’t they? You do, too, don’t you? You don’t get to ping my insurance company for another $100 if I don’t go back for follow up mammos so you can read them and tell me there’s nothing there, right?” At that point my OB/Gyn shut her mouth, conceded that I had a point, and proceeded with the exam.

I’ve seen data supporting either viewpoint: that it’s good to be proactive and get lots of mammos young so you can catch it early. And if you do catch BC, you want to catch it early. It’s damn near completely curable at the earliest stages. On the other hand, that is *exactly *the fear tactic used to get you to buy into the solution, which is excessive exposure to radiation.