Need a TRUE cross-cultural marketing blunder (not urban legend)

A more recent example happened when VIA, makers of computer components, named a new chipset the "KZ133." It turns out that “KZ” was the Nazi abbreviation for concentration camps. VIA quickly changed the chipset name to “KT133.”

I remember a hardware store that used to have a commercial for lumber. They ended it by saying, “That way, you can spend the weekend working with good wood, instead of looking for it.”

Of course, back in college, that was tremendously funny.

Wow, lots of great stories! I think I’m going to go with Jurph’s “Wipe your Feet on Allah” Nike debacle. Can’t beat two news cites, and it’s both appropriate for this book and a good illustration of the need for cross-cultural understanding, which is exactly my author’s point.

Thanks, everyone! The Dope comes through again!

(More stories welcome, if only for the amusement factor.)

what about hong kongs tourist campagain? hong kong will take your breath away … started shortly before the SARS epidemic.

I’m surprised nobody had mentioned Sharwood’s naming a curry sauce “Bundh”, which apparently means “Arse” in Punjabi.

It was all over the British press a week or two ago.

One from my own field, and also with an Indian flavour, is Poo Travel.

Doesn’t anyone remember the Pokemon Swastika incident?

Years ago on Letterman’s NBC show film director and general weirdo John Waters brought on some items with poorly researched names.

He only got to show one. It was a roll of candy called (I kid you not):


The Italian football club Fiorentina made the unfortunate decision to introduce a new home kit for (I think) the 1991/1992 season. The pattern was worryingly reminiscent of a large number of swastikas.

It’s quite common to hear someone (at least locally) refer to Toyota’s Tundra TRD as the “Tundra Turd”.

I always think of this (real) over the top incident Cecil addressed as the absolute apex of them all when it comes to offfensive cultural cluelessness.

In re-reading it, it’s still a stunner!

Did HUD publish a brochure in “Creole” containing a parody of black speech?

the followup

Rezedents Rights & Rispansabilities: The rest of the story

Heh. I recently Pitted Rueters for perpetuating the “Nova” myth.

Another famous Spanish one - the Parker Pen ad campaign.

They wanted to use the slogan “It won’t leak in your pocket and embarrass you” but used the wrong verb: “no te embarazará chorreándose en tu bolsillo” - which means “it won’t leak in your pocket and impregnate you.” (Avergonzar is the proper verb)

I had an old Spanish textbook that had a photo of this ad in it - unfortunately I can’t find one in a Google image search…

The Mitsubishi Montero was originally named the Mitsubishi Pajero. Apparently they never ran this name past any native Spanish speakers, because “yo pajero” means “I masturbate.” The name got changed reeeeally quickly in the US, but I did find a British Pajero owners’ club.

Some time within the last year…I can’t cite the location…somewhere in the US…an amusement park ride with the name ZYKLON. Horrifically, ZYKLON B was the poison gas used in Auschwitz during the holocaust. There was a general uproar from the local Jewish population, and the ride was closed down.

Diceman just FYI, it is called the Pajero here in Brazil as well.

I don’t think I’d bet on that I were you.

Ride the Zyklon!!

Or another one, right here in the PC world:
my first personal computer was a Tandy/Radio Shack TRS-80. And that was very commonly called the Trash-80.

Well, WTF!
Any Holocaust surviving dopers out there with a little outrage in them?:eek:

Diceman, it is still called the Pajero in Australia.

The motoring world is full of these types of problems.

BMW markets several of its bikes with the suffix of RS eg. the BMW R100RS. Unfortunately, in Australia at least, RS is an acronym for Ratshit, meaning something that is broken or useless.

Yamaha sells the TDM (say it out loud) 850

Yamaha also sold a bike in the 80s called the XS (again, say it out loud) 650. It was actually quite appropriate for a bike that was big, fat and slow.

There is a town in Austria called Fucking.

Well, Honda did decide to name a car Fitta, thinking it sounded somewhat italian. It’s just very unfortunate to give a car a name which means cunt in Swedish.

Can’t give you a cite on it, but I read an interview with the head man on Honda Sweden, so it’s legit.