Need help - Polish Easter Menu

Thanks to all of you - so much!! I’m thinking we’ll go with:

We’re going to do the hard boiled egg thing - he was just complaining last night about when we’re going to do the eggs - I told him to SLOW DOWN since Easter is three weeks away. :rolleyes:

Tentative menu:
Roasted Ham
Kielbasa and Sauerkraut
Pierogies - 3 different kinds
The stuffed cabbage rolls (Galumpkis)
Pickled Beets/Horseradish salad thing
Rye Bread
Definitely little butter lambs!! (I’m so psyched about the little butter lambs!!! Squee for little butter lambs!!!)
I may also do the sauteed cabbage Mr.Moto mentioned or maybe sweet and sour cabbage - I’ll see.
Some other non ethnic stuff that I’ll figure out when I get to the store - we have to have some “normal” food since not everyone is into Polish Food.

Soup is out - he says they aren’t “soup” people. I asked him just what a “soup person” was and what one looked like - as you can imagine, the conversation deteriorated from there. :wink:

Deserts are going to be what everyone suggested - I have a wonderful polish deli and bakery in Lake Zurich a friend just told me about after I told her what I was being asked to do ( :eek: ) - so they get to take a real load off me by doing all the yummy desserts! And that’s where I’ll get the kielbasa too, I think.

Please take the advice of some of us and have antacids on hand. Polish food is great, but very unforgiving.

The first time Mrs. Moto ate haluski, she just about tore my parent’s house apart desperately looking for a Rolaids.

Ok - I’ll make sure to add it to the list. Thanks for clarifying - I wasn’t sure if y’all were just joking or not - I’ll pick up a big bottle of TUMS. :slight_smile:

You menu looks great! Should make any Polish mother proud. Have fun!