Need scrabble words Q but no U

Qan is currently the “proper” word for Khan … personally I go either way. One of those ineffable stupid transliteration thingies. I have also seen Xan in some victorian era sources.

Thanks everyone. Wow, lots of words I’ve never heard of before.

Yeah, that’s Scrabble for you. Have you read Word Freak, by any chance? It’s a wonderfully funny journalistic piece on competitive Scrabble and the author’s indoctrination into that weird world and his quest to attain a 1600 rating. I picked it up at an airport somewhere and read it cover to cover–384 pages–on the flight. I just couldn’t put it down. You get a fascinating insight on what it takes to become a competitive Scrabble player (lots of list memorization and anagramming, for instance) and the, um, unique personalities that inhabit that world.

“Chi” and “Burka” spring to mind. That sort of thing is why I always understood Scrabble didn’t allow “Foreign” words not widely used in English; because of difficulties in translating from something like Chinese or Arabic to English.

never mind