Neighbor Parking Problem

In the unlikely case that he takes it that far, yes, they will.

YMMV, but I had a buddy (my lawyer) represent me for a nuisance small claims suit. He made an immediate motion for dismissal, the judge ruled in our favor on the motion, and that was that. The plaintiff sat there with his mouth open, trying to figure out what had just happened and why everyone was leaving the room.

Ha. I just remembered that I pay a small amount each month to my employer so that I will have free legal representation if I ever need it. Sort of like legal insurance.

Uh, no. That would work out to four (pretty standard) twelve-foot by twenty-foot spaces, one per unit.

You’re straddling two spaces. Not really relevant to the problem about which you are asking advice, but, if lines get painted, you are not going to look good.

So he probably doesn’t have the right to park there at all.

One unit does not have a car. If you divided the space into three equal parts dickhead would consistantly be 5 feet into my space. If they divided it into four sections he would still be parking partway in someone elses space.

Can you get your landlord to mark the spots? At least that would eliminate some future issues…maybe :slight_smile:

Dude, I can’t even get the landlord to mow the lawn.

How married are you to living in this building? :slight_smile:

Why ever not? There aren’t designated stalls now, so it’d be very difficult for anyone to argue that he’s encroaching on anything. Without lines, it’s a parking free for all!

If he actually files suit, your insurance company will probably offer to settle out of court, as a business decision.

It is a free for all. The other good guy in the building and I are civil and play well with each other. Dickhead thinks of only himself.

My insurance company notified me that since they can find no evidence of damage on either car that they are not going to pay out to dickhead.

So dickhead now can either call the cops who will either tell him they have more important things to do than investigate a parking lot scratch or possibly will not come out at all. His next resort is small claims court. He has no evidence of anything so good luck with that.

My guess is that he hoped I would just payup to be done with the entire incident.

Of course, one hopes your insurance company notified you in writing, on company letterhead, which you can take to small claims court to show the judge if necessary.

Small claims courts have accepted emails for years now.

Well here goes round two. They left us another note accusing us of again hitting their car. Two times in one month they say so please stop hitting there car. They used some nasty words and told us “karma is a bitch!” I have no idea what is wrong with these people and really have no idea what to do now. Our landlady says that she will do something but I think she is even hesitant to talk to them as they are clearly not well balanced.


I recommend you keep a close eye on your car for any signs of vandalism. And look into getting a dashboard camera, preferably one that can be powered and running when the car is parked.

Same thing, round 2. No need to respond in any way. There’s not much counter-terrorism action you can take unless they make some overt threat or damage your car. I’m not sure at what point it becomes harassment.

If you are the “good” tenant, and they are the “bad” tenants, I’d just explain to the landlord that you are looking for new environs unless the matter is addressed.

I’m going to put up a non working surveillance camera. No way for them to know it doesn’t work.

I had open heart surgery about a year ago and have a probable ulcer according to my primary physician. I cannot deal with this.

I think this is in harassment territory - I’d gather up all my evidence (including a letter from my insurance company) and go to the police. I’d also start looking for another place to live if you can - as I said previously, the crazies usually win in these situations because they don’t acknowledge normal boundaries.