"Nelson Mandela ceremony interpreter branded 'fake'"

The more I read about this, I’m wondering if he might be the only black certified interpreter in SA because there are only six total.
And maybe he knew the black signs but not the new SA signs. And they chose him because it would look bad if they had a white person up there?

So what you’re really saying is that they’re bigoted pieces of shit?

Just a guess…

Herdie Herdie ve hønør the late President. Børk! Børk! Børk!

And that’s actually one of the things that gave him away. There should have been facial expressions to go along with the hand gestures.

I also noticed that he was only using one hand. ASL, and even other sign languages, use both hands.

The article I read stated that he didn’t make a single real sign and was “'literally flapping his arms around.” That man has confidence I will never dream of having in my day-to-day life.

'so the guy is either the greatest prankster in the world with absolutely no shame for crashing a memorial service, or he’s a loon who believes he’s actually signing.

The SS looked pretty lame on this one.

But I would say the main thing that gave him away was that deaf people could literally see that he was just flapping his arms about!!!

What does it have to do with the Secret Service? The guy was supposed to be there. He’s been hired by either the ANC or the government before. This seems to actually be his job, not some random prank.

I think he’s supposed to be the third base coach.

I don’t get why the secret service is being picked on - you can bet he went through security. A sign language interpreter isn’t some magic - get out of the security line pass. The secret service is not stupid. If this bozo was hired - it isn’t up to the secret service to investigate his proficiency with sign language - any more than it is to decide Sarah Palin isn’t qualified to be VP.

He would have been screened whether or not he actually knew sign language.

Maybe he was just doing the sing-language equivalent of Pig Latin?

Sign language ‘fake’ blames illness

Johannesburg - The man who has been blasted on social networks and accused of providing “fake” sign language interpretation at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service says he suffered a schizophrenic episode.

Well gee - now I don’t know what to think. Although he was an awful interpreter - he was pretty mild for what I would imagine a schizophrenic episode being like. I don’t know much about that - so don’t know if it is real or not.

Although he seems to be claiming he knows sign language - while others are suggesting he knows none. When seeing him side by side on the video - granted he seems to be making stuff up, but some of the rhythm looked similar to (Mandela’s Grandaughter??).

I would find it hard to believe you’d forget all your sign language training, but I don’t know what an episode is like…

BBC TV just interviewed him. I found it difficult to understand his English, but he seemed to be saying something about seeing angels dropping down into the stadium and things chasing him. Really.

All signs point to crazy.

Saw the interview again. Yes, he definitely said he was distracted by trying to remain calm and collected amid angels dropping into the stadium and things chasing him.

They’re suppose to vet everybody that gets close to the President. It doesn’t matter if the ANC hired him. They check out his credentials and do background checks to weed out people with mental problems.

Luckily none of the angels he saw landed near the President.

I have no doubt they had some agent eyeballing everyone on that stage just in case. And I’m (fairly) certain they would have checked him for weapons beforehand.

Hell, we’ve had whole Presidents who were this crazy. (I’m looking at you, Nixon!)