Netflix Streaming % of total?

A much greater percentage than you’d think if you use the Hola add-on for Chrome. British, Brazilian, and to a lesser extent Canadian Netflix streaming has lots of offerings US streaming doesn’t owing to rights negotiations by region. This is not illegal, SDMB, but it does violate the Terms of Service. Essentially, you’re tricking Netflix into thinking you’re traveling abroad (which is not a violation) you simply get a pop-up asking if you’re traveling with Netflix and informing you about different countries ratings systems. Netflix’s official position on this add-on is that they’d prefer you didn’t use it, but service will continue.

Finally, this workaround does not work if you’ve subscribed to Netflix’s DVD mail service.

That’s exactly what I do have with Netflix. $11.99 per month to have 2 DVDs at a time. (That way I still have one to watch while the other is in the mail.) If I wanted streaming too, that would be an additional $7.99 per month.

The way I heard it worked, you had to have a separate account for that other country. At least, that’s how some Canadian friends of mine have a U.S. Netflix. Or is that only if you use it long term or something?

No, I do this with one account and the same profile every time.

I was disappointed to find that Hulu does not have the Criterion collection by a long shot. What they have is a limited subset of the Criterion Collection that is basically the movies that are obscure and not commercially viable.

I took a quick look at Criterion Collection films from the 1990s (alphabetical order), and noted the ones I’d heard of until I got to 10: Armageddon, Being John Malkovitch, Bottle Rocket, Chasing Amy, Dazed and Confused, Europa, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Following, The Game, Howards End.

None of those are available on Hulu+.

There are 80 Criterion Collection films made in the 1990s. Hulu+ has 14 of them.

I figure as soon as TCM puts their collection up for streaming, Netflix disc-by-mail service will be dead. Most of what I can’t find in streaming is the older movies (Really? Only 2 Errol Flynn movies available?) Unfortunately, I don’t see that happening real soon.

I just checked over at which tracks what’s available on Netflix streaming. Plugged in 2013-2014 for movie release year. 294 films (using the term loosely) are listed. Barely any are worth anything. Sure, you got Movie 43 and the like. But the What Maisie Knew’s are very few and far between. And forget just about any blockbuster that’s out on DVD. You can’t even watch The Big Wedding! (Which is a good thing.)

I did a Netflix streaming trial last year and this was my experience. Virtually no recent good movies and the “classics”, even from the 60s and 70s are mostly not there.

As to the OP: A tiny, tiny fraction of decent stuff on DVD available from Netflix is streamable. 10% is a huge overestimate.