Never mind Cthulhu--how do you pronounce R'lyeh?

Oh, definitely first. Otherwise you go insane from the horror induced by eldritch, non-Euclidean entities.

For the IPA-impaired, the best I can do is ruh-uh-lech. The r is rolled, the second uh is really short, and the ch is the German sound that sounds like a cat hissing.

Ruh-lay spoken quickly : rehlay

Definately being eaten first. The Elder Gods wil be hungry, and devour you quickly and probably mostly painlessly. You would not want to still be aware when they are more sated, and start playing with their food or experimenting with different “recipes.”

(I have often taken issue with those who call the Elder Gods malignant. They are not, no more than sheep feel malice towards the grass they eat. They are indifferent to human hopes, concerns, and suffering, which is more frightening than directed antipathy towards the works of Man.)

So you’re saying that Giraffe is the SDMB Resident Expert on this?

Possibly more like ertLayh, where the h is actually an h, the t is a glottal stop, & the er is inexplicably trilled.

I’m sorry, but I must claim expertise here.