New Constitutional Convention

Who would write it, & for whom? Is this a new Article of Confederation between states, or a new Constitutional reform for a people?

Personally, I would support abolishing the states altogether & replacing them with new administrative districts, but I don’t know who calls the Convention to do that.

Would you still do that after considering the legal chaos that would ensue? Hundreds of thousands of legal documents, including but not limited to child support orders, mortgages, contracts, commercial paper, etc suddenly thrown in limbo?

I’d make a killing, along with every other lawyer, but a whole lotta people are gonna be unhappy for a long time…

Any new constitution, or any amendments to the old one, would still be subject to Supreme Court interpretation unless you specifically address that. Maybe give Congress the authority by a large enough supermajority to overrule Supreme Court decisions?

Who says the new Constitution includes a Supreme Court, or Congress? If you call a Constitutional Convention, everything is on the table.

Heck, they could declare tables illegal!

Or appoint [del]Nehemiah Scudder[/del] Fred Phelps our Supreme Dictator for Life.

You’re missing the point. Our current Constitution has a procedure for being amended by Constitutional Conventions. But that Constitution is going to be repealed. Why assume Constitution 2.0 will have any such procedure? Maybe the people who write the new Constitution will decide to make it permanent and unchangeable.

They have that now, provided that a majority in each of 3/4 of the state legislatures agrees with them.

One law, one country. Seems like a cleanup to me.

Nehemiah Scudder>Fred Phelps.

The original Constitution was based on compromise, in almost every aspect. The current political climate is pretty much based on blind subservience to party-line. Compromise is only possible within a party, and even then rarely and with difficulty. So, while I think that there’s lots that should be amended (but never will be), I think a Constitutional Convention would be a total disaster.

Well, there’s always the time-honored (and hilarious!) game of “Shoot The Dictator.”