NEW Stupid Republican Idea of the Day (Part 1)

Yep. It’s more efficient to just incessantly pound on the fact that it’s a sin to vote for a Republican, until they get it through their skulls.

Is that at me? SD highlighted your post as if it was.

Texas, our Texas… :notes: :musical_note:

Medicaid expansion “appears extremely unlikely to move this session,” said state Sen. Nathan Johnson, D-Dallas, author of Senate Bill 117, a plan that had bipartisan support among House members but not in his own chamber. “It appears that for purposes of this session, lingering misinformation and political intransigence are still too large to overcome.”

Texas has the largest number of uninsured residents in the nation, many of them working adults who can’t afford private or subsidized insurance but don’t qualify for Medicaid because they earn too much. Roughly 20% of the state’s population lacks health insurance — a number health officials say has grown since more than a million Texans lost jobs and, in many cases, health coverage because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Opponents of expanding Medicaid to an estimated 1.4 million adult Texans who would qualify under the Affordable Care Act of 2010 argue that the program is poorly managed and financially unsustainable, and that expansion encourages government dependence, delivers poor health outcomes, and crowds out children and people with disabilities who need it the most.

“The new reality is that Medicaid expansion isn’t just dead for now, it should be dead-dead,” said David Balat, director of the Right on Healthcare initiative at the conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation. “There’s no longer any rational justification for expanding Medicaid to help the uninsured.”

My bold.

“Government dependence” – must be avoided at all cost! Even if it costs lives. Does “government dependence” include being able to count on electricity and clean water? I guess it does. Best not to expect anything from the state government, eh?

I hate Texas Republicans with every molecule of my being. :rage:

They’re going to be with us for a long time:

Texas already has some of the most restrictive voting laws in the country.

Well, it was intended as being in agreement with your post (the part about educating them being slower). On a more in-depth reading of the post, it’s apparent that one needs to tilt the head, squint, and adjust the lighting in order to make my suggestion look like an additional point to yours. My apologies for the maladroit structure and lack of clarity.

Ah, no worries

A group of QAnon believers in Arizona is asking the state Supreme Court to remove all elected officials from office and install them instead.

Hey, why not? Stranger things have happened. And will yet happen…

My Pillow guy urges Dominion Voting employee to turn himself in to the authorities so that he will only have to serve 10 to 20 years.

There’s so much to love about that Mike Lindell story.

Firstly, maybe continuing to harass Eric Coomer ahead of the Dominion court case isn’t the wisest strategy.


That’s… not how immunity works, usually.


That’s…not how the Supreme Court works either.

And finally:

When you’re too batshit crazy for OAN, it’s probably too late to get back onto the path to sanity.

But not everyone in the Republican world is happy about the efforts to overturn the election results, including those who voted to sanction the audit last month.

“It makes us look like idiots,” State Sen. Paul Boyer, a Republican from suburban Phoenix who supported the audit, told the New York Times.

“Looking back, I didn’t think it would be this ridiculous. It’s embarrassing to be a state senator at this point.”

The nonexistent watermarks, suspicious folds and whackadoo bamboo weren’t enough?

That’s probably what his lawyers are counting on. Otherwise Coomer is going to own a crappy pillow company.

In my wilder musings, Dominion gets ownership of MyPillow and leases the production facilities to Good Pillow. If nothing else, the quality would likely improve.

The “auditors” of the Arizona votes are demanding the passwords for county computer systems. The sheriff is not willing to comply. They also want to go door to door to ask voters how they voted.

What happened to the shut down due to DOJ questions?

And I’m sure everyone would willingly share how they voted on their secret ballot last November with a bunch of belligerent nutcases.

Canvassing results:

  • 33% Biden
  • 30% Trump
  • 37% Fuck off

Then I’d retrofit my Ice Cream From A Custom AMC Pacer business to sell pillows, just so I could say “Welcome to Good Pillow, home of the Good Pillow, may I take your order please?”

Obviously, the 37% who responded “Fuck off” were Trump voters, since Biden was the only one who would trigger that sort of response. So the final tally is 67% Trump, 33% Biden: as Dear Leader predicted, a landslide!

Arizona official says that the covid vaccine turns you into a potted plant.

“Wow! 40,000 people! All documented and everything! Wow! Can you take me to see ten of them?”

I saw this on my brother’s FB yesterday. My response was that if being a potted plant meant not having to put up with this moron* and his ilk, I’d consider that a feature.

* Yes, I know that’s insulting. To morons.