…to carry his big, brass balls around.
Unbelievable. It’s nice to know heroes still exist in the world today. Wesley Autrey, if I ever see you in a bar, your money is no good. Well done sir, well done.
…to carry his big, brass balls around.
Unbelievable. It’s nice to know heroes still exist in the world today. Wesley Autrey, if I ever see you in a bar, your money is no good. Well done sir, well done.
Good on him. Does a body good to read something like that. Thanks.
When I read that story, I said, “I’m surprised his gigantic balls could fit under the train.”
Incredible story. Woah.
Read that a little earlier and was amazed at the cojones it must have taken to do this. I’d have crapped myself a bog if it was just me letting a train go past, let alone if there was someone under me bringing me that much closer to the train’s undercarriage. War vet or no, that’s pretty damned heroic. Someone needs to buy him a beer – or a lot of beers.
Wow, helluva’ job. Those little girls of his have some big time braggin’ rights.
Wow, just wow, that’s incredible. I wish I was that brave.
First class.
Just an ordinary guy being a hero.
Pretty damn cool, but a little part of me thinks that maybe a guy with two little daughters might not want to be so cavalier with his life. Glad it worked out, and he’s a hero for sure, but this story really could have had a much more unpleasant outcome that was necessary. Two kids watching dad get dismembered and all.
Actually, that was the first thing that came to my mind too. If I were his wife I’d be between wanting to kill him myself for pulling that and just being proud of him.
Also me. It could’ve been a very different story in that paper, and a couple very traumatized little girls.
My dad (newly retired, watches CNN ALL DAY) told me about this earlier today. Said Donald Trump gave the guy a monetary reward, he got tickets to Disney World for him and his family, and some other “prizes.” I haven’t looked too hard to corroborate that story, though.
I am glad it all worked out. It would have sucked if he died, but he didn’t. Don’t dwell on what COULD have happened. Be joyful that it did work out like it did.
I was a huge admirer till I read in today’s Times,
Now I want to push him under a subway.
It must be a strange thing to know about yourself, after only guessing and hoping. And for everyone else to know. A couple of guys at my work are in this category. I can’t say how they are different - other than the same thought enters everyone’s head when they walk past - but they seem just a little more quietly confident.
I have a sneaking suspicion that’s why he did it. When you’re a parent, you start seeing all other little kids as someone’s kid - you know the heartbreak that family is going to go through if something happens to them.
At least, that’s what my parents tell me. My dad’s never jumped in front of a train, but he’s definitely put himself in danger to make sure that not only his kids, but other peoples’ kids, are alright. I think it’s just one of those things that good parents do.
FYI, my TV listings say that this guy is going to be on David Letterman tonight – that’s in about 45 minutes, for those of us on the East Coast. I don’t plan to either watch or TiVo it, but I’ll be interested in the reaction of anyone who does.
It’s all over on Youtube now.