Newt Gingrich's latest entry in the shoot-off-your-mouth contest [re: judges]

His aide Dick Cheney, OTOH, he did not give up so easily . . .

Which means a “PCA” (per curiam affirmance) case gets only one page in the regional reporter (Southern 2nd, Atlantic 2nd, etc.), and is generally useless as a cite in a legal brief. But, there are whole regional-reporters full of actual appellate-court opinions going back decades.

I think you misread my post.

Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson proved it was easier to just ignore the Supreme Court.

The Roosevelt administration found it easier to just lie to the Supreme Court.

Amazing, how “no one” seems to remember any of that mess. Hmmmm

What he said.

[quote=“JoelUpchurch, post:44, topic:606716”]

Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson proved it was easier to just ignore the Supreme Court.
The Roosevelt administration found it easier to just lie to the Supreme Court.

Did any of them brag that this was going to be their general policy going forward, before they were even elected to the position of president?

That’s insane.

This is on the Doonesbury page today, given the source I’m presuming it’s accurate:

Up to now, Administrations have clashed with the SCOTUS and the federal courts only when the courts actually stood in the way of something the Admin wanted to do. But Newt, before he is even POTUS, is promising not even to wait for such an eventuality, but to go on the ideological-political offensive against the federal judiciary. That is unprecedented – even to suggest, AFAIK.

Well, isn’t there a significant “market” for the idea that judges, especially “activist” ones, should be held accountable? Newt, being a man of ideas, is simply providing liquidity to the “market”.

Time for Ron and one of his lectures on Constitution again…

[quote=“Euphonious_Polemic, post:47, topic:606716”]

I find it peculiar that you seem to believe that dissimulating on their positions is a point in their favor. In any case you are misrepresenting Gingrich’s position.

His position is that our nation was creating with three coequal branches of government and that the judiciary branch is overstepping it’s bounds and abrogating powers that belong to the legislative or executive branches. In this case the primary responsibility for controlling the judiciary resides with Congress through the power of removing judges from the bench.

Well, that’s the thing about a judiciary, how much power it can grab is always very limited. That’s why it’s always less dangerous than the other branches.

I’ve added some more text to the thread title to clarify the subject.

No, it is exactly what the OP said. Newt first said he would subpoena judges whose decisions he did not like. That in itself is overturning over two centuries of American jurisprudence.

Then in response to the obvious question of how he would enforce the subpoena, His Imperial Majesty Newton I said he’d call out the federal marshals.

This is more than a bad idea. This is an astoundingly bad, blatantly counter-Constitutional idea.

Conservadopers, please note that such sweeping powers once gained by the presidency are rarely given up. GWB thought that kidnapping, torture, and indefinite detention were just fine policies. Then Obama not only continued those policies, he decided it’s OK for the US government to intentionally kill its own citizens with no legal procedure, or arrest then without charge or trial even inside the US. Next, Newt wants to arrest judges with whom he disagrees. Where does it stop? Where does it just slow down a little?

His position is essentially we need more Jesus in the nation.

From your link:

Gingrich: I think many lawyers will find this a very frightening idea. They’ve had this run of 50 years of pretending judges are supreme, that they can’t be challenged. The lawyer class defines America. We’ve had rulings that outlawed school prayer, we’ve had ruling that outlawed the cross, we’ve had rulings the outlawed the 10 Commandments, we’ve had a steady secular drive to radicalize this country away from all of its core beliefs. I mean what got me into this was the 9th Circuit saying that one nation under God is unconstitutional. We live in a country where judge Biery can literally say I will put you in jail for saying the word benediction. There’s something profoundly wrong with the judicial system that has moved to that kind of extreme behavior.

He’s fine with politicizing the Courts, as long as he gets to prescribe the political positions Judges must adhere to. He completely misunderstands the role of the Courts and the separation of powers. Doesn’t appear to be a big fan of the separation of Church and State either.

Newt lost this lawyer’s vote today.

Start with more Jesus in Newt.

He has plenty of Jesus - he’s been two different types of Christian, and that’s just from his first 3 wives.

Thank you for your concern, but I am in in the current universe. The Democrats would not have to be in control to undermine the legitimacy Of Bush’s presidency, they could have just acted like the birthers except with some actual reason to back it up. Imagine if the leaders of the party had used the sort of incendiary language that conservatives do. Al Gore himself, acting as President of the Senate, ruled speakers out of order as they rose to speak against certifying the electoral college results. The Senate Democrats could have filibustered every bill and ground the country to a halt.

He’s running for President, trying to figure out what he will do if he wins is pretty much the point.

Who exactly is supposed to drag these judges into the hearings? The Sergeant at Arms? And I suppose Newt has no problem with dragging representatives into court to explain their bad legislative decisions either.