Nintendo Labo

Nintendo has posted a few more videos about this. In addition to the kits they’ve shown, there’s a “garage” mode where you can program things yourself, setting what reactions you want from the system for different inputs to the IR camera and controller buttons. Cool stuff.

Labo Garage video 1 Labo Garage video 2

They’ve posted a video for a third Labo package, the vehicle kit. Just from this video it looks like more of a “real” game, which might address a complaint some people had about the first kits.

That looks really cool. Being able to switch between driving and flying and boating with the same vehicle is genius.

The real genius of Labo is getting people to pay $70 for cardboard.

They’re not getting people to pay for the cardboard. They’re getting people to pay for the thing that interfaces with the cardboard.

That looks legitimately cool, though durability seems even more concerning. How long is flight stick going to last?

That’s nothing! With Mario Odyssey they’ve convinced people to pay $60 for nothing at all!