No Reservations with Bourdain

I just picked up Bourdain’s book. Looks pretty good.

Is that the little doughy guy who eats all the weird stuff? NajaHusband likes him, but I find him thoroughly bland. I don’t want to kick the crap out of him like I do Rachel Ray, but it never occurs to me to purposely watch his show, either.
Bourdain on the other hand, I imagine he’s kind of a dick in real life, but there’s hardly another show on TV that draws me like his does.

I gotta go with this. I hadn’t seen him on tv or been aware of him until someone bought me the Les Halles cookbook. His pure sex persona shone through on every page. Then I saw the man talk (on the telly, not in person, more’s the pity), and rawr.

Oh, and preach it, sister!

I’ve only read Kitchen Confidential but I think I may have to update my Amazon wishlist. Thanks for the reminder!

I preferred the “Cook’s Tour” half-hour format. And I read the book for that series, and in it he complains about hating the staged crap, so I hate when he does it in the new series.

Little doughy guy- perfect description! Yep thats him, new epsiode tonight on the Travel Channel. Bourdain’s new ones start July 30.

Nitpick: Bali isn’t a country: it’s an island in the Indonesian archipelago.

I can’t wait for this show to get here. I’ve read and loved two of his books, and someone I knew once drove him to Dublin airport; he berated her for being a vegetarian the whole way.

There’s nothing better than getting lost and being drunk in a glacial cave, eh? :smiley:

This is one of the few shows that make me wish I still had cable.
I second the man-crush thing, but I’m a girl.

I bought Kitchen Confidential last night, I didn’t know there was another one.

Was I the only one who read his books first, had a mental image of a raspy-voiced Iggy Pop, and was a little jarred to hear the voice of a slightly more neurotic Elliot Gould?

(Not that I don’t like the show and the two books I’ve read).

I love his show but don’t catch it as often as I’d like.

Don’t like the Zimmern guy nearly as much. I prefer Bourdain’s dark sense of humor.

I like both shows. I’ve read 3 of Bourdain’s books (Kitchen Confidential, A Cook’s Tour, and The Nasty Bits) and always liked his writing style. In fact, I like his books even more than his show, but he has a great personality as a host.

I think Zimmern is also a great host, although not as edgy as Bourdain, but engaging and entertaining in a different way.

Sorry, The Nasty Bits is the one I meant. I think I’ll pick it up on the way home tonight.

Looking on Amazon, it seems he’s got several books out there. Hmmm.

Speaking of Travel Channel crushes, has anyone seen Samantha Brown?

I’m a fan, but my problem with Bourdain is the uncalled for mean-spiritedness. What’s the point in pointing to a horse and saying “look its Sarah Jessica Parker”? If she were an asshole it would be one thing, but why use a TV show as a platform to insult someone who is by all accounts a nice person? I know he tries to hold on to the 70’s punk aesthetic, but even most of those artists have dumped the bitterness and cynicism now that they’re older. Is life really so bad for him now?

He was probably honestly confused.

I read the OP as “No reservations with boudain” - not quite the same thing!

I’ll have to check this guy out.

I guess I owe him an apology :slight_smile:

I’m one of those vegetarians who he loathes (though I cook meat happily and don’t proselytize), and I think he’s hysterically funny. I even seriously considered buying his Les Halles cookbook even though I probably wouldn’t be able to eat much from it.

Everything starts with veal stock. Except the salads. Which have bacon.

It’s not a vegetarian friendly book at all but it’s a complete riot. Even when we were eating omnivorously at home (now keeping a mostly vegan kitchen), I didn’t cook from it much because I can’t be bothered setting up my veal stock and demi glace. But I just love it, and I want the cover art (the real cover art, not the dust jacket!) tattooed somewhere :wink: