Normal is the new abnormal -- forbidden adjectives

This is a pretty important point to pull out: to the extent–the only extent–that I’ve seen Demontree express any concern over racism, it’s in service of a campaign to deprive transgender folks of rights. She’s wielding the concept of racism as a cudgel against people who oppose her political stance on a completely different subject, and co-opting monstro and ywtf’s story to support her position. She’s explaining to a person of color why they’re wrong to think this isn’t an example of racism. She’s turned a thread about fucking shampoo labeling into an arena in which to relitigate her anti-transgender views: maybe people don’t oppose her because they’re misogynists, maybe it’s because they’re racist!

This cynical approach to conversations around racism is some pretty aggressive nonsense, and it’s a tricky thing to navigate without violating board rules. I’m having to watch what I post pretty carefully on this topic, and it’s in danger of becoming too toxic for me to remain without racking up a warning.