Now that Elon Musk has bought Twitter - now the Pit edition

It doesn’t need fingerprint security, just the fob/phone in close proximity. I can walk up to my Nissan and do the same thing as long as the fob in in my pocket.


It isn’t now, but in all fairness, it was pretty impressive at the time, before all the copycats came out – or maybe it wasn’t copycats so much as a set of design elements that are currently fashionable. In some other thread I posted comparison pictures of a Tesla Model S and a Ford Fusion, just for one example, but there are many others.

As for the magic recessed door handle, the thing about how you press on it and it magically pops out is the times that you press on it and it doesn’t. Teslas in general don’t play nice in cold weather – there was a story just before Christmas about some poor sap whose Christmas holiday trip was ruined because his Tesla just wouldn’t charge. I see a large number of Teslas here in southern Ontario, but winters are not generally all the cold here, compared, say, to the Canadian prairies or the US north-central states.

When did cit ome out though? Most cars, including Tesla, have been look alike and samey-samey for 30 years.

I guess the difference is in 1985, DeLorean had been defunct for three years, so the joke is Doc bought one of those crap sports cars nobody wanted. As of 2023, the Cybertruck doesn’t really exist as a consumer product so the joke would instead be “How the FUCK did you get your hands on this truck?”

Either way it’s an, let’s say, eccentric decision by a garage mad scientist, so honestly I do think the joke hits a similar note.

"huh? No I built the time machine out of a 2023 jeep Wrangler. Needed something I could take off road if needed complete with an underbody plate. Wouldn’t want something stupid to happen and get stranded.

No I built the second time machine out of a cyber truck to prove I went to the future. DAMN you wouldn’t believe how far I had to go ahead to get one. Thankfully the were practically giving them away to get rid of the things…"

Call me clueless, but I always thought (even in 1985) that Marty was impressed with a DeLorean time machine, not repulsed.

Sure they didn’t perform as well as they looked, but they weren’t inert dogs, like say a Mustang II. Now THAT would be an embarrassing time machine. DeLoreans were kind of cool.

They were inert dogs. A good friend of mine had one. It was terribly slow, with a worse power to weight ratio than a Mustang II with the V8.

Delorean: 20.72 lb/hp
Mustang II: 20.06 lb/hp

Well, some of these videos are almost convincing.

Yeah, but it looked cool. To a teenaged boy like Marty McFly, that was justification enough.

Jerry Senfield had a show called Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, in one episode he starts with one Delorean and has to switch to another halfway through because the first one breaks down.


Yeah, I always thought that McFly was impressed by the DeLorean. If the writers intended for him to appear derisive of it, they didn’t try very hard.

And while, the Cybertruck may be a complete mess if they ever make it, the DeLorean was a mess from the get-go, but people still collected them. I knew of people who were restoring and taking care of them after they were featured in the movie. Mustang II performance and sketchy quality control with Euro styling? Ok, go for it if that’s your bag.

Unfortunately (fortunately?) every one I see is a BTTF replica. I never see them stock anymore.

There used to be one here at work. Someone had painted it red. I am all for individuality, but I think that missed the point.

It was all in those doors, man.

I was about 10 when BTTF came out, and I’d never heard of DeLorean before that. I was mildly shocked when I was older and found out they’re shitty cars and aren’t terribly well regarded. As a kid, I’d assumed they were The Coolest Cars Ever.

Well, I was the one that assumed that the DeLorean was used for its humor value in BTTF. I guess I misremembered it, filtering it through my current prejudices.

I’ll bet someone here knows what this stands for.
I canNOT find any clue here, or anywhere online, as to what this is… a pyramid of irony? That’d be appropriate; it was used right after this (a perfect example):

Perhaps they were fan of the old cartoon M.A.S.K. and wanted to (crappily) replicate one of the vehicles…

Although the ‘real’ vehicle the toy came from appears to be this instead.

Exactly. Look at those doors! The bitchin’ angles! Surely this car can smoke my Dad’s lameass Lincoln Continental (150 hp)!

I was sixteen when the movie came out. A guy down the block had a DeLorean, but it was always sitting right there in his driveway.

We watched ABC World News Tonight every evening after dinner, so I knew the whole saga of DeLorean’s disastrous downfall and the failure of the company. I also knew that there was some minor trouble involving John Zaccarro (the husband of vice-presidential nominee Geraldine Ferraro) and John DeLorean, but I can’t recall what.

To me, the appearance of the DeLorean on screen was an immediate recognition of a spectacular implosion of a company and its founder. Yes, we all knew it looked cool. We also knew that it was completely submerged in the stink of failure.

Hey, I was also 16 when it was released.

The way I remember it, at the time, the intended effect was neither that Marty was disgusted nor was he impressed. The joke, rather, that he was flat-out perplexed, and lampshading how strange a choice it was. Like, the equivalent of, “You made a hat … out of a lunch box?” or some such. Pure incongruous juxtaposition.