Now that Elon Musk has bought Twitter - now the Pit edition

Yes, so long as they can stay relevant and holding rent in the minds of all.

Or they’re calculating the risk/reward and translating that to something like, “I’ll buy ads for $0.001 per view, based on X, Y, and Z negative press and instability.”

Meanwhile, Musk is still holding out for $0.002, and it’s just a matter of time before they agree on $0.0015 or Musk relents and accepts the $0.001

Now you don’t need to reference Dilbert anymore :slight_smile:

Alternately, TickledbyTrolling Elon is enjoying trashing twitter and just doesn’t care if it goes down in flames and isn’t going to budge on price, not caring either way.

Tesla states in its online “Customer Privacy Notice” that its “camera recordings remain anonymous and are not linked to you or your vehicle.” But seven former employees told Reuters the computer program they used at work could show the location of recordings – which potentially could reveal where a Tesla owner lived.

“We could see inside people’s garages and their private properties,” said another former employee. “Let’s say that a Tesla customer had something in their garage that was distinctive, you know, people would post those kinds of things.”

“Wet Nellie,” the white Lotus Esprit sub had been featured in the 1977 James Bond film, “The Spy Who Loved Me.”

The vehicle’s owner: Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk, who had bought it for about $968,000 at an auction in 2013. It is not clear whether Musk was aware of the video or that it had been shared.


That’s a lot of if.

There’s inertia still. People still use it as there isn’t really a viable alternative yet, either from technology or from critical mass of users.

Whether or not we make fun of Musk isn’t going to change that, and your theory that Musk is playing tree(3)d chess by fucking everything up and getting people to make fun of him for making everything up is simply not in line with reality.

They really need to get their act together before advertisers come back. And you know what, if they get their act together, then that’s fine. I have no real problem with twitter, and I don’t care that Musk owns it. I only care what he’s been doing with it and what I am sponsoring with my ad money, the same as all other advertisers.

So, you are saying that I will sponsor child porn as long as it’s cheap enough?

If they get rid of the hate speech and child porn, then they don’t need to give discounts. If they don’t get rid of the hate speech and child porn, it doesn’t matter how much they discount it.

And all most of us care about, other than the recreational pointing and laughing at all the stupid technical glitches that twitter has been having since Musk took over, is that they get rid of hate speech and child porn.


Huh, or I could even be recursive.

I’m saying that there’s someone out there who’s willing to go to the webpage, take 2 minutes to see if they see any obvious child porn (probably not), decide that aspersions based on minute differences between platforms during a process of transition are probably overstated and possibly not true, and post their advertisement.

That person might not be you, but you are not Rupert Murdoch nor most business men.


I regret to inform you that I will be posting my content elsewhere given the free speech, edge-lord billionaire I debased myself for has decided that censorship is, in fact, good.


Matt Taibbi


For those who don’t know (and since JohnT neglected to provide context AHEM :wink:), Matt Taibbi is one of Musk’s hand-picked journalists who wrote about the “Twitter Files”. So that’s a significant departure.

And of course, Musk unfollowed Taibbi immediately after his post.

Lol, the Twitter Files have been spoken about extensively in this thread.

You think we all remember the name of the reporter? I appreciate your optimism.

With 4000+ posts, I appreciate the reminder.

Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss were both involved in the new substack thing supposedly like Twitter, and he unfollowed them both today.

It was vaguely familiar but I didn’t remember who it referred to at first.

So, you are thinking that twitter is going to manage to stay afloat on advertising dollars from companies that don’t do any sort of real due diligence?

Okay then…

Almost all the business owners I know are extremely conservative, and yet they have pulled their advertising from twitter.

If you are saying that Rupert Murdoch and most buisness men are stupider than those that I know, that’s an interesting claim.

People don’t like sponsoring child porn. It’s odd that you think otherwise.

And for those that don’t know, Bari Weiss is an extremely conservative “reporter” who with a massive axe to grind against the trans community.

Anyone who thinks it’s just libs jumping ship is simply ignorant of reality.

Oh, yeah, good context - early on she described herself as liberal, and then a victim of woke culture, and now she’s…well…more transparently awful.

Even though we’re in the Pit, I do want to point out that most businesspersons, even conservative ones, have a deep yearning for stability.

Twitter, whether you judge by software, content, management (!), legal status (Europe especially), ability to pay on debts (office space and otherwise), etc, is ANYTHING but stable.

I’d avoid it like the plague until the majority of the above are fixed. I wouldn’t trust that the money I paid would get me what I wanted, either by just the technical fuckupedness or placed adjacent to something that would drag me down with it.

So you can be pragmatic, and still avoid what Twitter is today, without supporting/excusing objectionable content.