NYC Dopers - Help! I shall be stranded in NYC!

No, but I visit the 2nd floor several times a day. Caffeine, not nicotine, is my addiction.

Oh well then, I’ve almost certainly passed by you at some point. Tell ya what, you walk around with a big hat with a model of a 1920s Death Ray, and I’ll wave to you when I see you.

(Note that I won’t be the won’t pointing and laughing; that would be everyone else.)

So you’ll be the only one not pointing and laughing?

No, no. TellMe won’t laughing be the everyone else who won’t pointing.

My head just imploded.

I haven’t had coffee yet, so I read this repeatedly trying to figure out why my brani just wasn’t deciphering it.

And no, I won’t pointing and laughing. I’ll be waving.
And laughing.

That must’ve been an… interesting… crayon you just ate. Did Crayola just release their new LSD Technicolor line?

May I be the first to welcome Yoda to the SDMB

I think Celestial Blue went down the wrong way.

However, I have employed that method in meetings to see if anyone is paying attention. You take words and put them in an order that sounds like they ought to make sense, but don’t. If everyone nods like they understand, then they aren’t listening.

That’s when you ask for a raise. When they’ll just nod in agreement without realizing what they’ve agreed to.

Looks like it worked on me; I couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t making sense - it looked like it should have.

::gives Eats_Crayons a raise::

Would work on me. No matter how zoned I am, once the subject turns to $$, I am immediately snapped back to reality. Ms. D_Odds enjoys my ability to completely ignore a salesman’s obfuscation and focus on cash-for-product/services exchange.

Hey, shouldn’t you be working? :stuck_out_tongue:

::realizes she should be too, and runs::

Ouch! It’s $20 to go to the MoMA! Dang! Those renovations better be fantabular!

How is the Museum of Natural History? Is there just the one? Is there another with dinosaurs?

I’ll have to check but I’m pretty darn sure that I can get into MOMA for free with a guest - if you wanted company, of course (and depending on my schedule.)

Uh, why don’t you just email me at

Conference calls are prime Dope time. Better than snoring into the telephone.

Cool! I haven’t yet decided if I’ll go to the MoMA on the Sunday or during the week. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble with that boss of yours who’s in the neighbouring state.

I also have to print out schedules because I’ve been looking at the Met’s and The Natural History Museum and now I’m confused about which is open and which is closed and when…

I think AMNH is only closed on Christmas, someboy is closed Monday’s but I can’t remember who. :mad: I’ve gone and confused myself!

Ah, it’s the Met that’s normally closed on Mondays but will be open the 27th.

The MoMA is closed Tuesday.

Dinosaurs are open as usual.

I’d be free on Sunday to go to MoMA or MoNH. Well they would charge me to enter but… Natural History is the one with the dino’s and they have the planetarium, which if you add on shows to the price of admission it can get pretty steep.

You may want to look into a City Pass.

I can get 4 people into MOMA for free, and I can do either during the week, or the Sunday (we’re talking the 26th, right?) should be feasible.

I get in really early on Sunday the 26th (8:30 a.m.), so I’ll have the whole day. I may be stuck with my backpack for awhile though.