Obama's Tax "Cut" for non tax payers

Well, I presume they made some overall decision about tax structure based on income, without considering specifically whether it would affect some tiny percentage who pay taxes but don’t work. So it wouldn’t be right to suggest that they intentionally wanted to give more money to those who don’t work and then changed their minds.

Glad to hear it. I misread you then.

Except that it’s a government handout. I’m not sure how many people actually know what Earned Income Credit means. It’s welfare.

Good job not reading the thread at all.

I read it. If you don’t like what I said you can counter with something or you can shut the fuck up.

So it’s OK if I’m forced to give my labor hours to society but not the poor? From each according to their ability. To each according to their needs.

I think based on what he wants to do AND the rationale he supplied (which I relayed), that your interpretation of his desires and intentions is overly charitable. Very much so.

Wow, the righties are getting pretty testy these days. I wonder what it is that has them all full of angst like this?

That’s correct comrade. And in a few weeks, it’s off to the Jane Fonda re-education center with you!

There seems to be some major confusion. I do not advocate a progressive tax system.

Can you explain this better?

No. they have the option to substitute service for cash. The point is that we all have a duty to contribute to the kitty. I’m attempting to proveide a means for them to do so. If I was in such a circustance I would welcome the opportunity to contribute my fair share in some way. how is this a bad thing? I have to contribute. You have to contribute. We all do. Welcome to being an adult.

I’m all for closing loopholes in the meantime. But not to save a progressive tax system. I find it a truly reprehensible, disgusting system. It’s one of those instances when someone (the government) asked "can we?< when the real question is “should we?”.

Magiver, do tell us how tax credits are the same as welfare.

Just getting tired of drive-by swipes without any input.

Why are some of you using “the poor” as if it means the same thing as “non-working”?

A household with 2 kids and an income of 16,000 gets a “credit” for $4,536 when their tax liability is $1,716 for a net gain of $2,820.

But they aren’t really separate issues actually. Serious tax analysts take care to look at the effects of a given tax given the remainder of the tax structure. After all, a dollar paid to the government is a dollar, right?

Actually, McCain is the one playing games with rhetoric. He notes that US Corporate tax rates are high relative to Europe. This is true, narrowly. But US corporate tax revenue is actually low by OECD standards, because our tax code is festooned with multiple deductions. And tax revenue/sales is really the relevant metric.

The general principle is that looking at a single tax in isolation is likely to give you a distorted view of government finances. For example, you would miss the way that social security surpluses are essentially propping up deficits in general federal account.

Obama has this one right. Payroll and FICA are regressive taxes: a partial reversal of their effects via the EITC is plausibly called a tax cut. I’ll also add that the negative income tax was first proposed by none other than Milton Friedman.

Differentiating between FICA and standard income taxes is rather silly. When Obama proposes increasing the cap on FICA contributions is it not described by conservatives as a tax hike? Of course it is.

If you think it is misleading, please provide a quote from Obama were he claims to only be talking about federal income taxes? You will not find one because nobody segregates things that way. What you call a tax is irrelevant - only the overall tax burden affects the amount of money in your pocket. The fact that you were misled does not make it misleading.

Also, as has been pointed out above, there is nothing unique or unseemly about a negative tax rate - the flat tax for one has always relied on this concept.

Ya, I know what you mean - statements that don’t advance the argument, sort of like:

[Moderator Hat ON]

Cool it, Magiver.

[Moderator Hat OFF]

I posted a relative point about labor hours and how I’m expected to provide my labor hours but not the poor. I backed it up with a reference to Marxism to make a point. Did you forget to read the first part when you posted the Jane Fonda comment?

If these “welfare” fat cats are gaming the system so hard, why not be on “welfare”? It’s the life!

Excellent point. It’s the press’ job to flesh out the truth behind the rhetoric don’t you think?

Wonder why they never point out that the tax cut will mean that poorer workers won’t be putting money into the Social Security system (although they will be getting credit for it)?