Obligatory debate thread

Yeah, I never heard or read anything to indicate he was good at debates. I seem to remember that Gore was considered to have won their debates.


Simon X.

Airman Doors.

Scylla. (I hope, anyway.)




Starving Artist.
’Nuff said.

Holy crap! I apparently was duped by my own party!

Those damn, dirty liberals! :smack:

I concede my statement regarding Bush being a good debater.

(OTOH-- I have to say, the GOP strategist made a pretty good comparison, between Kerry and Cicero.)



Wrong thread.

Please disregard my previous post.

I think they’re counting on the spin. All they need are three or four six-second clips on either side that they can sledgehammer into the collective consciousness as being representative of the debate. They’re fully aware that the overwhelming majority of the country won’t have watched the actual event, in whole or in part, and will draw their conclusions based on the professional chinwagging of the following days. From that perspective, it doesn’t make any difference whether Bush got pounded like Hallie Eisenberg standing up to Mike Tyson as long as they have a few bits-n-pieces they can weave into gold. Seems to me we won’t have an “official” result until the narrative has been hammered into place on the Sunday chat shows and rolled out into the journalistic showroom on Monday morning.

I get email from the Bush campaign (and I have no memory of why) and today’s post debate email is absolutely jaw-dropping:

"John Kerry failed the one test he had to pass last night: he failed to close the credibility gap he has with the American people as his record of troubling contradiction and vacillation spiraled down to incoherence.

People have a clear choice between President Bush’s clarity and strength to fight and win the War on Terror and John Kerry’s attacks and reversals - born out of political calculation, not a vision for winning the War on Terror. People saw for themselves last night where John Kerry would lead our military, our allies and the world in the War on Terror - down a bumpy road paved with indecision, vacillation and cynicism. John Kerry has a record of wavering in the face of real challenges."



And don’t forget, Gore lost points because he was mean. Can’t have that. That’s what 527s are for.

-Joe, so mean he’s a 528

No but I would think the following quote would constitute “jumping ship”.