Obsolete traditions and customs you'd like revived

I’d like to see a bit of this when I get home.


[sub]If I suddenly stop posting, you can safely assume my wife has found this post and my days on earth are over.[/sub]

Heh, I went to this at the Rhode Island School of Design the other day, and there was a movie that involved singing along to “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.” It was fun, especially given the crowd of scruffy artists and silly indie-rocker types.

I think fashions from the ancient era to the mid-1960s should all come back. Also, good penmanship should come back. I don’t think everyone should write in the same flowery script, but people should at least make an effort to have aesthetically pleasing handwriting. And I’m pretty lenient as far as “aesthetically pleasing” goes. Slightly psychotic scrawls can be aesthetically pleasing, depending on the execution.

Also, it’s too bad Middle Egyptian didn’t survive continuously as a formal mode of communication. Although I suppose it might take a pretty messed-up alternate universe for that to happen.

I keep thinking that one year, I’ll leave flowers at people’s doors for May Day.

I usually have this thought on May 3rd, and vow to remember it for next year.

That’s so like you to say that. :rolleyes:

I wish it were still the custom that a boy would first meet a girl’s parents before taking her out. Don’t ask me why; I’m just weird like that.

Waering academic regalia at the Academe.
Admit it, you secretly envy the students at Hogwarts.

I sing with a choir in Canberra where we wear our academic gowns and hoods for our performances.

I’d like to see Lynn go 6 months without asking for chocolate and mentioning she doesn’t get paid. No really.

Huh? She’s here?!? :eek:

Shit never mind, forward my mail to my next of kin. :smack:


P.S. When I come back Lynn, I’ll bring chocolate pie. :smiley:

I wanna use “fag” to refer to kindling, again. That would just make my life complete…

Well, the word “faggot”, anyway. Mostly because of its use in Tolkein.

The British can still have “fag” to refer to their cigarettes. Hey, I’m open-minded.

Lynching tories.

Gladiator bouts, and/or feeding the hated christians to lions.


Cheering and waving my hat if I happen to see one o’ them “aeroplanes” fly over.

“Lupercalia” always sounded kinda fun. (Though probably a bit impractical, nowadays. Ah, well.)

Huge parades for returning lunar astronauts.

I would love being a Victorian.

Pushing small children up chimneys! Stop your snivelling you little wretch or no gruel for you!

Making ponies work down mines! Dark enough for you, eh, Dobbin, ye wee Shetland bastard.

Getting domestic servants pregnant! Mary, I regret that you must leave our service. I have been in touch with Reverend Mother Sadiste, and she informs me that the Sisters of Ritual Humiliation are prepared to take you in.

My Great Gran carried on that tradition. And out of wedlock too! Oh the shame! (Oh, and her name was Mary. :slight_smile: )

Are you carrying on the family tradition ;)?

I’d like to see bundling revived!

When Peter O’Toole first came to America, he was someplace and itching for a cigerette. He asked a couple of cops he had struck up a conversation with , “Where can I get a couple of fags?”
As one can imagine, hilarity ensued.

I’m not married, so there’s still time… :slight_smile:

Ever keen to offer his services,I feel it is my duty to help

Jus prima noctis.

And then I’ll start investing in real estate.

People keeping their sex lives and all talk of it in the bedroom. I’m sick of hearing about it, people. Call me old fashioned, but I am not interested.

I think we need to re-introduce pankration as an Olympic sport.

Well quite. A little firebrand she was too, and no mistake, what!

But to bring dishonour on the family in such a way, well, it just would not do. One has one’s standing to consider. The fabric of society is greater and more important than the improprieties of petty folk.

I am, of course, an honourable man. I rewarded her generously with three weeks’ wages, and allowed her to keep her uniform. I have also set aside in trust a guinea per year for the child’s education, if it is a boy.

Now, we shall never mention this again, shall we?