Odd (and really long) Pro-Life E-mail

If all the “abortionists” are using “baby blenders,” where do “pro-lifers” get the photos of abortions they display?

Baby blenders - just like a chocolate milkshake only crunchy!

(The folks from Cocopuffs are so going to sue me now).

Perhaps its a pro-choice email that just happens to be particularly sly.

While reading that e-mail, I had an extremely strong emotional response. For several minutes, my body shook uncontrollably- with laughter.

The thing just got more and more ridiculous. Outside of Diane Chambers, I never expected anybody to use the word murderess. I can’t properly express how ludicrous this story is.

So thanks for posting it. I missed a Dopefest today, and really needed the cheering up.

I doubt I’m the only one imagining the doctor and Baby Blender looking a little like this!

Crazy story!

You are in this state only because politicans vote for legal abortions. That’s like saying a person gets lung cancer only because cigarettes are legal or cirrohsis of the liver because alcohol is legal.

Because, Lord knows a fiancee like that wouldn’t have taken her to a back alley butcher - oh, no. THAT would have never happened had abortion not been legal…

Wow. I guess I’m going to hell because I actually burst out laughing as I read that.

It’s so completely abusurd, so totally over the top that I thought it must be a joke.

It’s sad that anyone would actually believe that a physician would do that.

Good god–of course the people at PP are better than that. Who can get an “abortion” at 9 months? It’s ridiculous. Neither Biden or Obama are radical abortionists.

This is a scare tactic for the most gullible. Don’t think it won’t work. We may see the nonsense and the basic insanity of it, but most of us have critical thinking skills. Not everyone does.

Photo shop. That’s what the best people use…

The whole thing is ridiculous. I stopped reading but after reading posts about frapped fingers and toes, I went back. But I know at least one nurse who will say that even if this is a bit over the top, this kind of stuff does go on. :rolleyes:

You can join me in my handbasket. I laughed out loud when I got to the Baby Blender.

Was anyone else expecting the doctor to be named Frankenstein and to start running around shouting “It’s dead… it’s DEAD!!” :smiley:

I loved the bit where the kid’s mother was apparently absentee in all of this. (She didn’t notice her daughter was nine months pregnant? Or didn’t care enough to press charges/get a restraining order against the “fiance”? Or what, exactly?)

If it were me, I’d probably send a reply to the effect of “Thanks for sharing that, it was hysterical! I’m still laughing…” But I’m snarky like that. Heheh.