Off to Ukraine, as Nancy Pelosi finds a way for us to lose the midterms even harder

He didn’t say all the Republicans in Congress. Just the ones … servicing Putin. All of those rendering said services are Republicans.

I’m sure I could be wrong, but I think Americans will look badly on politicians who don’t support Ukraine, or simply try to criticize Democrats or Republicans for their support. And a big part of the Republican coalition has been the Military Industrial Complex, I would love to have them start pissing those guys off.

A President can’t really do much about either issue.


73% of Americans support Ukraine. This move by Pelosi is a smart one.

Any voter pissed off that Pelosi visited with Zelenskyy without bringing a Republican along is not someone who was going to vote for a Democrat in the first place. OP, focus your wrath elsewhere, you’re wasting your money with this one.

I think this thread pretty clearly illustrates everything that is wrong with Democratic politics and the electorate at large.

While there are many good and valid reasons for Pelosi to go to Ukraine and it’s true this didn’t prevent her from passing any meaningful legislation, this is still a illustration of how the Dems are mishandling the midterms. The GOP continues to sink to new depths and continues to tear down the republic from within and without. There should be outrage every second of every day. The perception (you can complain it’s inaccurate, but that doesn’t matter) is that this is business as usual for the Dems. Young and less engaged blue voters who are absolutely essential for winning see this as Dems doing nothing. While there’s little that can be done legislatively, there’s a lot more that can be done in messaging and villainizing the GOP. I can’t recall the last time I saw a PAC ad or a useful soundbite from a Dem pinning this misery and fear on the GOP effectively.

Perhaps it’s just me, but I find this to be very ambiguous. I’ve read it twice, and don’t know what you’re specifically talking about. Probly just me.

If there is outrage every second of every day, it’s hysteria and hyperbole.

If they take some time off from the outrage to go help a democratic ally being attacked by a mutual enemy, it’s apathy.

I do agree that this illustrates everything wrong with the electorate at large, they allow foolish ideas like the ones you put forth to have any affect on them whatsoever.

The more people ignore people like you, the better off democracy is.

Democrats are bad, and no matter what they do, it was the wrong thing. That’s pretty much all you can expect to get out of a steaming pile like that one.

If no Republicans came with Pelosi it might be because none of them dared to be seen with her. In Republicanland, you do not talk to the enemy and you sure as hell don’t make an appearance with the enemy.

You’re basically pretending Trump didn’t happen. His entire campaign was a constant unrelenting stream of outrage, grievance, boogeymen and hyperbole. It worked really, really well. It’s still working and he’s gone.

But yes, let’s continue thinking that politics work the way they have worked for the last 50 years.

I’m pretty sure the only thing Nancy Pelosi has ever done was somehow convinced everyone that she’s savvy and smart. Because the democrats have been completely strategically inept under her leadership. They’ve done nothing good, they’ve been constantly outmaneuvered by republicans at every step. They’ve been awful at messaging. They’ve picked the wrong issues to fight about. They somehow couldn’t win the messaging war against Donald Fucking Trump, who must be the easiest guy in history to win a messaging war against.

I don’t actually think this is true, but every fucking time I see how incompetent the democrats are, I wonder if they’re the Washington Generals to the Harlem Globetrotters - a fake party that’s designed to get clowned on and lose to the Republicans. That’s how fucking terrible they are.

So I get miffed when every time I see people talk about how savvy Nancy Pelosi is. I’m 99% sure they say it because everyone else says it, and who knows what’s going on in the inner party workings. I’m sure she has some purpose, maybe she’s good at fundraising because she’s the interface where the democratic party sucks that big business neoliberal dick, but she is effectively the leader of a party that’s incredibly incompetent and I’ve never seen a single savvy move from her.

I expect the democrats to do something incredibly stupid like make 2022 about gun control or some divisive, irrelevant, nonsensical losing issue even though they’ve got their messaging for this one handed to them on a silver platter.

And our country is so much better off for it.

Why would we do that?

All I’m saying is that you are playing concern troll a bit too obvious here.

Almost every Democratic policy has a comfortable majority in the public opinion polls. We clearly have the winning hand in terms of policy positions. Yet the Dems lose fucking every fight. And yet you have idiots in this thread white knighting for them. It takes a staggering amount of incompetence to be this bad.

Roe v Wade is being overturned. Who the fuck cares if the level of discourse doesn’t meet your pathetic loser standard.

Too dense for sarcasm? It fits.

It works really well to rally support among Trump supporting dildoes. Democrats aren’t interested in gaining favor with Trump supporting dildoes.
Help me out if you can, the plural of “dildo” has an “e”, right?

Dildii? Maybe it’s just dildo…like moose.

There are plenty of stupid reactionary people who lean left. The Dems need to weaponize them.

And there are a lot of smart, pragmatic Conservatives who have made their peace with the Trump idiocy as a means to an end. The Dems cannot disarm if they ever want to win again.

Why would any smart, pragmatic conservative think that the least conservative president in American history was a means to any end they want?

So, this is the level of discourse you think would be helpful in politics? Would it help if Pelosi called McConnel a “Poopie-head”? Is that what would get your vote?

No, I am saying that we are not doing things the same as the last 50 years. Just because we haven’t dropped the level of discourse to that of an incel discovering 4chan for the first time doesn’t mean that nothing has changed. Now, you may be too stupid to realize that, but that’s not the Democrat’s fault.

Who do you think we win over if we use Bobbert and Green as role models?

Yes, a means to their end of hating their fellow citizen.

See, that’s kinda the problem, Republicans run on hate, and the Democrats don’t. Trying to match their messaging pretty much means matching their agenda, as well.

“I have three dildo in my hand. Who wants to party?”
I’ll report back how that works out.