Officially old: song lyrics don't register with young clerk

Several years ago Pepper Mill was working in the dentist’s office (as a Dental Assistant), and the dentist said something about “…used to be that didn’t happen.”
the patient, without hesitation, replied “Used to be’s don’t count anymore. They just lay on the floor 'til you sweep them away.”
Pepper Mill cracked up, but the dentist stood there, bewildered.
Probably not a case of age-unaware, but of a Neil Diamond-unaware boss.

Well, most of my students say their favorite Final Fantasy was 10. A few years ago it was 7. My favorite is 6, or, heaven forbid, 4! At least now a few hardcore RPG-loving students still remember the old ways, but soon even that will fade. I’m getting old! NooOooOooo! sobs into his otaku t-shirt

Nobody raises their kids properly anymore. I pounded Hendryx, Buffalo Springfield, Jim Morrison, Moody Blues, Joplin, etc. into my kids’ heads from an early age. They grew up with Queen and Boston blasting from the speakers. They still listen to it.

A couple of years ago I was hanging out with some teenagers, all of whom were big time into guitar. Their iPods were filled with Hendrix, Clapton, and Floyd. And last year my youngest niece – then 17 – got the Rock Band version of her favorite band – The Beatles.

Those kids can camp out on my lawn for as long as they want.

A very young friend of mine was interested in the work Peter And The Wolf. I suggested he get the version narrated by David Bowie.

“David WHO?”

Wow. Most kids have never even heard of J. Geils Band.

If it makes you feel better, my 11 year old daughter would have known this. We listen to a lot of 70’s/80’s music at our house. She knows every single word to Don McLean’s American Pie.

You must be thinking of The Wolf with the Magic Peter :confused:


I’m surprised that kids today can even tolerate older music. Several times when I’ve been in fast food restaurants where mostly 1960’s rock was being played I’ve asked the young clerks if it bothered them to have to listen to music that old. Isn’t it strange to listen constantly in 2011 to music from 1968? In 1968, if we had had to listen to music from 1925 all the time, we would have rioted and ripped out the sound system.

Wasn’t that the guy who brought us the Detroit Demonstration?

This goes back to the early seventies. A friend of mine, who rented a room while studying, was taken aback a bit when the daughter (age unknown) of his hosts said something like “I just found out that Paul McCartney used to be in another band before he entered Wings”.

A while back, my wife was riding in the car with her 16-year-old cousin. The cousin was playing her iPod and chose a Darius Rucker song. After a few seconds, my wife said, “Hey, that’s Hootie!”


“Hootie! From Hootie and the Blowfish!”

:dubious: “WHAT are you talking about?”

And they’re only 9 years apart.

I remember about 10 years ago when my nephews who were in their teens “discovered” Led Zepplin.

And there was a time when my daughter asked me who is that group and I answered “The Beatles” and she replied “who?”. I have since educated the child.

FWIW I’m 34 and I wouldn’t have known what the OP was talking about.

My former co-worker was always teasing me about my reading habit. One day she was telling me about the books that she had borrowed from a friend, and was finding kind of daunting because they were so big (the Girl Who Did Shit series). I told her without missing a beat that, “I love big books, and I cannot lie.” She didn’t get it. :frowning:

Well, I’m 55 and I wouldn’t have known what you were talking about… I know the song, but not well enough to recognize lyrics from the verses.

41yrs old and I knew right away, but I’ve always been a fan of that song.

It it makes you feel any better, I never get it when people do that. Even with songs that just came out and are playing everywhere. I hardly know any of the lyrics to even my favorite songs.

I’m pretty young still, but I’ll always be clueless.

I like that Jackson Browne song, but if I heard someone say the lyrics, I wouldn’t get it, either. Sometimes just saying the lyrics rather than singing them is enough to confuse the brain.

I would have recognized the song.

But in sixty-five, I was seventeen.

Well, at least for part of it. :slight_smile:
