Oh God! Oh God! Civilization 5 is coming to town

I was trying to come up with something that didn’t sound like hyperbole but, yes, absolutely. Wait until I tell my eight year old - he might actually pee his pants.

Screenies look awesome and raise my hopes that it’ll be more of a wargamer’s game. I’m happy with the move to hexes (finally) and it’d be cool if some rules like flanking and zone of control are added.

Y’know, there were actually rumours that there wouldn’t even be a Civ V. I happened to be googling around for something more than the usual wishlist yesterday or the day before and found zip.

Incidentally, there’s supposed to be a FB version coming out, but so far I haven’t heard anything good bad or indifferent, just the usual “it’s gonna be sooo great, true believers” from Sid “Rah Rah” Meiers. Still waiting on an announcement of CivRev for the Wii, too.

I don’t expect a fix for the industrial/modern era problems that have been constant with the series. I remember getting frustrated with Civ IV when I realized that I used to have the same frustrations with I-III, except I was a little more patient with games back then. Would be nice if they did fix it, though. As long as the ancient, medieval, and renaissance periods are good I’ll be happy.

This is easy to do in Civ 4 if you’re not afraid to muck around in the XML files - I made such an adjustment when I first started playing the game, and I’ve been happy with it.

I like to play on Marathon, so I adjusted all of that speed’s settings to be exactly the same as Normal, except I kept the slower science rate. If you only want to slow science down for Normal or Epic, only the research percentage needs to be adjusted.

If there’s any interest in this I can post exactly how to do it.

I’d like to see them get rid of the stacks of death, maybe limit the number of units per tile. And better diplomacy options. And bring back the advisors, “all the world marvels at our superior intellect, sire.”

I’ve always wanted an expanded version of Civ II. I played III and IV but went back to II. I like its immediacy but would love bigger game maps and some other improvements. Civ 2.5 would be nice. I know I’m in a minority here though, g’wan the Civ V!

New civ! NEW CIV!

Figures. I finally get to the point where I can reliably win Civ IV (only took me 5 years!) and now they’re going to bring out a new one. :smack:

But still… YAY! I find that things are getting a bit dull in the old civ. Once I hit, say, guilds and have a whole pile of cities (generally through taking over the continent I’m on), it’s always this “ho-hum, what kind of victory do I go for?” thing, and then just speeding through the rest of the game until I win or (rarely) something unexpected happens and I’m cursing Isabelle (or whoever. Usually not Isabelle, because I hate her ass and kill her as soon as I see her.)

I should just up the difficulty (I play on Noble) but I think instead I’ll just wait for CIV 5 to come out!

Isn’t that what the “What would make this deal work?” (or some such wording) button is for on the trade screen?

I already explained to my wife that I love her very much, and the fact that I’m going to be a bump in a chair next fall doesn’t reflect on how much I love her. She’s been through this before.

Personally, I’m ready for it. When I started hearing about the facebook version, it just made me want a new full version. I’m interested by the change in tiling. Obviously, it will alter the way you place cities and spacing. From the pics, the terrain will be changed. Rivers can’t exactly follow the tile edges anymore. I will say that the farming improvements looked odd when they were tilted. Of course, long time before it’s released, so they may be able to do something about that.

Beyond that… not much info. I have a lot of things I’d like to see though. My main hope is that they don’t try to simplify it too much. Some is fine, but part of the charm of the game is how much variety there is.

Me too. I wish you could beat a prostitute and steal her money a la GTA :smiley:

Look, I love Civ as much as anyone, but the combat system is laughably simple. Now, that’s fine since it’s really not a combat game but if you open a thread and ask for people’s view to new features don’t get snarky over one you don’t like.

What’s the big deal with the hexing?

I personally thinks it looks horrid.

This is the best and worst news ever.

(Bolding added).

This sounds like the perfect change to me. Could you tell me which file and settings I need to change in order to achieve the bolded part of that please? I would greatly appreciate it!

Nevermind, the file name and settings are quite self-explanatory. Once I’m finished with X3:TC I’ll fire up Civ4 and give it a try!

No problem.

This first part isn’t absolutely necessary, but highly recommended:

Find your Civilization 4 folder, probably under Program Files. You’re looking for this sub-folder, depending on which version you’re running:

Civilization 4 -> Assets -> XML -> GameInfo

Civilization 4 -> Warlords -> Assets -> XML -> GameInfo

Civilization 4 -> Beyond The Sword -> Assets -> XML -> GameInfo

In that folder is the file CIV4GameSpeedInfo.xml. You want to copy it your Custom Assets folder, which can be found in your User Profile. For me, it’s

(MyProfileName) -> My Documents -> My Games -> Beyond The Sword -> CustomAssets -> XML -> GameInfo

If you’re playing vanilla or Warlords, I’m not sure what the folders are named.

Again, you could just modify the originial file, but I really don’t recommend that.

Next, open the file with Notepad. Scroll down to this part:


And select and copy the following lines:


Go back up to the first section and paste over the same lines under <Type>GAMESPEED_NORMAL</Type>. Now note the fifth line containing the variable <iResearchPercent>. You can change it to whatever you want - I have it set at 300, the default Marathon research rate. The higher the number, the slower the research rate will be.

One bit of warning: even with the slower science rate, you can eventually reach the point, in the late game, where it doesn’t take long to research techs. Especially if you have a large empire. This can lead to reaching the Modern Era a few hundred years ahead of schedule, which in turn affects your final score. You could play with the variables under <GameTurnInfos> to try to fix this; I personally don’t care, so I haven’t tried.

ETA: Oh, you figured it out. Well, maybe others will find this handy… :slight_smile:

Hoo boy. Time for that new computer.

The one thing I can think of: use a composer other than John Adams for the modern music. It took me forever to find the two XML files that had to be changed.

Hexes seems like a step backwards, to me. Yes, hexes are a big improvement over an orthogonal-movement square grid, but that’s why games have for decades used a “diagonal lines at a a factor of 1.5” rule. With such a grid, you end up with your “circles” being octagons, which is a better approximation than hexagons, and it’s easier to understand and to process, too.

Is there going to be an improvement that makes me not suck balls at it? Maybe something that doesn’t lead to my getting ass raped by stacks of death as soon as I reach the industrial/modern age and start heading for the space race victory (my favorite).

I wonder if my strategy of avoiding battle in favor for growing my techs and cities’ production is just not what the game intended.

Wait, you mean you survive until the modern age, and then get raped? That’s completely contrary to what I’ve ever seen. Usually by the time I get to the mid-industrial age, I’m so far ahead technologically, and I’ve got enough fully-improved cities with nothing left to build but tanks, that I can squish everyone like a bug. Unless, of course, I’ve gotten my butt kicked long before I ever got close to that point, which often happens.

The opponent will want the moon and the stars, he’ll want everything I’ve got. He WANTS it all. However, he’ll accept quite a bit less, but the question is, do I want to spend the time dickering with him about 5 gold more or less per turn?

Wake me when the Mac version comes out.