Oh goodie. Now we have the political sexist take on who gets to be called "Dr"

You know who else has an EdD? Yes, Bill Cosby has one. That means she is … uh, nevermind.

It’s ludicrous not to refer to Dr. Biden as such. But do we know that it’s necessarily misogynistic? I don’t know, just asking.

Well, not always- no, but in the case of this author? Obviously so.

I’ve read the entirety of the thread. I’m arguing because you’re wrong and your statement is ridiculous. The fact that you’ve said the op-ed writer is wrong is great - so maybe stop there and quit digging.

Congrats on a substantive follow-up, well within the rules of this forum.

PS. Just because you are right about one thing (e.g. the op-ed writer is wrong), doesn’t mean you’re not wrong about the rest of what you wrote, as Munch has already ably explained.

I am not wrong. It is indeed my little personal idiosyncrasy. Are you saying it isnt? I am not saying my little personal idiosyncrasy is correct, in fact I cheerfully admitted otherwise.

What you are doing is arguing for the sake of argument. You cant find anyone that disagrees with you here, so you are trying to pick a fight over nothing.

It is the equivalent of me saying that my little personal idiosyncrasy is that I dont like apple pie, and then you asking “why do you hate America”?

How can I be wrong about my personal opinion?

Are you saying that if i stated “I dont like apple pie” that you can declare I am wrong?

Maybe you should read my post again - or did you not read it the first time? I’m not suggesting your little personal idiosyncrasy is wrong.

You should calm down. Or at the very least, put the shovel down.

So you didn’t post that? Please contact a Mod, someone is using your account.

I routinely insist that people refer to me as “doctor”, even though I’m not the medical kind of doctor.

Although, technically, I’m not the other kind of doctor either.

Why are you insisting that I think you’re wrong about your little idiosyncrasy, and not the statement that I quoted? Here, I’ll post what i wrote again:

There’s absolutely nothing in there about your idiosyncrasy.

When do you plan on changing your username? :wink:

Reminds me of an anecdote from Randy Pausch’s book The Last Lecture. Dr. Pausch was a professor of computer science and design.

One afternoon his mother introduced him to some guests. “This is my son Randy,” she said. “He’s a doctor. But not the kind who helps people.”

No, because I also don’t like apple pie :smiley: Your personal preferences are all yours and I haven’t said otherwise. But you’ve justified those personal opinions with largely unrelated non-facts. For example, you said:

So, do you have a cite for that 99% claim? Of course you don’t, it’s an opinion (over)stated as fact. But it’s irrelevant, because the main point I’ve been trying to make is: even if this is true, it has almost nothing to do with not referring to Dr. Jill Biden as Dr. Jill Biden. You know, the subject of this thread.

I’ll spell it out for you as clearly as I can since you seem to have your hackles up about reading comprehension: Just because people in this country who colloquially refer to doctors generally mean medical practitioners, does not mean we shouldn’t refer to non-medical doctors with the honorific “Dr.”

The former has nothing to do with the latter.

And you agreed I was right.

Look, no one is this thread is arguing that the Author of the article is right, so you need a argument and are making one up.

There is no argument here. I said the author of that article is wrong.

Which I have said the author of that article is wrong, she can call herself Dr is she wants to.

So, why are you arguing with me? Just want to pick a fight over nothing?

The AP style manual would not refer to you as Doctor in a news article, due to the MD confusion, you would be Colibri, PhD. At least that’s my understanding. (I personally disagree, I think that we should say “Dr Anthony Fauci, MD” and “Dr. Condoleezza Rice, PhD.” but I didn’t write the AP Style Manual).

Then why the fuck are you arguing?

I’ll make it simple. The statement "when people say “Doctor’ 99% of the time they are meaning some sort of medical expert” is wrong. You suggesting that people aren’t able to process contextual clues when asked “is there a doctor in the house” is laughable. I brought it up because in this tangent of trying to justify your idiosyncrasy, you’ve begun to fabricate numbers and statements out of nowhere. Why, I have no idea. Maybe you’re overly-sensitive when called out when you make ridiculous statements. I suggest reading a little more carefully next time and not get your hackles up so quickly.

I am not arguing, you are. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: